SA2 Battle: SEGA Launches New Website, New Screens and Videos Emerge

SEGA must be ringing in the new year, because this past week there’s been a lot of updates surrounding the upcoming US release of Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. There’s been age ratings (which means a release date must be close), new screenshots and videos, and even official site launches. Exciting! Check out the whole shebang after the jump.

First of all, the rating – according to the ESRB, the game has been handed an ‘E’ grade. This is pretty normal for a Sonic game, it means it’s generally good for kids. But the real puzzle is that there’s said to be ‘Mild Lyrics and Violence’ in the parental guidance notes. We wonder what that means? There’s a discussion going on about that right now at Sonic Fan Games HQ, take a look.

Elsewhere, SEGA of America launched a brand new site for Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. You can find it here. It’s a lot like the Sonic Adventure 2 (the Dreamcast version) page on, but with some additional details outlining the differences you can find in the Gamecube version (including the “new two-player ‘Battle’ mode”).

Finally, a group of games media outlets have published a number of new screenshots and videos on Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. The IGN videos feature gameplay from the single-player Story mode as well as a few of the new 2P stages, and there’s another article from IGN that includes some Chao connectivity with Game Boy Advance.

The screenshots come from Gamespot – we’ve included a couple of them above, but the site has uploaded more than 40 new images so to truly see them all we recommend you take a look at the website here.

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