Zone Guides: Sonic the Hedgehog (8-Bit)

This guide will be going into each level and giving you the lowdown on what dangers there are and what to avoid. Since that Sonic the Hedgehog was released for the Master System AND Game Gear, there are going to be certain differences between the two versions. Do not worry – this guide will cater for both versions. Continue reading Zone Guides: Sonic the Hedgehog (8-Bit)

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Zone Guides: Sonic the Hedgehog (16-Bit)

This walkthrough will tell all about the hazards in each act of every zone and will help you find the best way of tackling the levels. At the end of every zone there is a boss stage, in which you will have to find out a pattern in order to defeat it. In this guide you will also be able to find out what each bosses weaknesses are, and the best way to attack. It doesn’t matter if you have either the Mega Drive or Genesis version – they’re both the same console, and both the same game. Alrighty, let’s get started. Continue reading Zone Guides: Sonic the Hedgehog (16-Bit)

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