Sonic Fan Videos: An Itch Sonic Can’t Scratch by back2s0ul


While sorting out “merch mountain” on my day off today I’ve been crusing youtube for my usual selection of heavy metal, Bentley Jones contest entries (still waiting for more killers!)…and eventually I came to this. A lot of you will already know of back2s0ul on youtube already, but this looks like it’s fairly new. The animation is fab and fluid, the choice of tune is catchy (Good ol’ Junior Senior, and this video seems to fit in quite well with their acid trip style of video) and there’s also a nod to the Sonic OVA.What more could you ask for. Why are you still reading! Watch the video…and perhaps this one too…over, and over, and over…


Watch “An Itch Sonic Can’t Scratch” BIG STYLIN’

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Fanatics: Punch That Werehog Dead

I have a question for you all.  Did you play Sonic Unleashed and wished that you played as Knuckles during the nighttime stages?  Well, according to DeviantArt user, gilau, so did Knuckles.  In a blur, Knuckles is seen here beating the shit out of  the most awful character in the series.  Yes, Big the Cat is better than Sonic the Werehog.  Allow me to pause as you pick up the pieces of your blown mind.

Anyway, thumbs up on the image concept, gilau. Super-thumbs up on the coloring and the whole “dirty draw” look.  I’m not quite sure how you made this one, but whatever, it’s cool.

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The Day We Played Sonic Unleashed

Most Community Days have been situated at Nintendo’s rather swanky Wii Flat in Central London, but yesterday a troupe of Sonic fans were collectively invited to Sega Europe’s Headquarters in Gunnersbury to have a taste of Sonic Unleashed on Xbox 360, a week before the rest of Europe will get a chance to. Naturally, there were a lot of happy faces around at the mere thought of being in such an illustrious temple, let alone having the chance to play a high-profile Sonic game before release.

A few of the usual suspects were there – myself, T-Bird, Violet, Sonic Yoda, B’man, Fastfeet and Vger were joined by Jemnezmy, Flyboy Fox, Shadz, (DJ) Dan Dyer, Paul Street from TSSZ and some more friendly faces as Kevin kindly took us through the basics of Sonic Unleashed. When Jemnezmy and I arrived, we had just come from Leicester Square, enjoying the treats of the Japan Centre (and scoffing a Bento Box on the train to Gunnersbury, earning a few scornful faces from the people in the carriage) and were therefore a little late, but it was OK as Kevin was showcasing the game in the best way he can. Slowly Thoroughly. Continue reading The Day We Played Sonic Unleashed

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Early Unleashed box-art found?

I was browsing around UK retailer websites, checking up on Sonic Unleashed’s supposed ’28th November’ release date, and came across this alternate box artwork at Argos. It may be an early box art, due to the ‘TBC’ PEGI logo. That, and SEGA have already revealed the final cover and it looks slightly different to this. If that’s the case, then in my opinion they really should have stuck with this design. It’s more interesting and gives a hint as to the game’s story, with the world crumbling behind Sonic (rather than the final render which just has some pretty colours).

Still, I guess it doesn’t matter as long as the game’s good right?


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Sega Dates Unleashed in Japan

At a press briefing of Sega’s own, Sega have announced their Japanese line-up for 2008/9 and among them is Sonic Unleashed or Sonic World Adventure as it’s being named over there. The game will be released in Japan December 18th 2008. Here’s a Google translation of the Sonic Unleashed announcement –

Action on behalf of Sega games, Sonic’s latest film series. The album is Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic UEAHOGGU The two types of character to operate the Games to proceed. PS3/Xbox 360 and Wii versions are slightly different, Wii version of Sonic the UEAHOGGU me to let my part, to wave attack when the Wii remote control features intuitive operation. But the attacks also NANDO is wielding a little bit tired (laughs). Features of the series is the same sense of speed with the fans of this series, if the contents of any problems with it? Release date is scheduled for Dec. 18, 2008. Priced at 7,140 yen (PS3/Xbox 360) and 6,090 yen (Wii).

A new screenshot from the Xbox 360/PS3 version was also shown

and an old Wii one

Reading the announcement it look’s like the Wii version Werehog will involve some waggle attacks among other things when using the Wii Remote. With the Japanese release date announced, hopefully the U.S. and Europe will get a date soon.

Source: Watch.Impress

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New Unleashed video all up in China

SEGA of America’s official YouTube profile has released the Unleashed trailer of the China level, as seen at the LGC.  In this video, you can catch some mad “game playing itself” action, “homing attack badniks over bottomless pits” action, as well as some “repetitive button mashing with howling” action.  So much action, so little time!

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Werehog Haunts E3

Dasgamer have put up their thoughts on Sonic Unleashed at E3 and were lucky enough to meet Sonic the Werehog in person (well… OK, just a guy that’s dressed up for Halloween early, then). Like Sega’s past Sonic costumes (apart from the Mario & Sonic costumes) it really does resemble the in-game model. Would be good advertising for the game’s November release if Sega could put out some Halloween Werehog costumes to go trick-or-treating in, you could hold alot of candy with those hands.

Dasgamer article

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Werehog teaser 2 is very teasing… and funny

Sega has released a new Sonic Unleashed trailer that teases us again about the whole Werehog thing. The trailer is set in a city at night showcasing mysterious sightings of blue hair and silhouttes “swinging from lamp post to lamp post”. The trailer first appeared at G4TV but has now shown up at with the title – “E3 2008: Mysterious Sightings Trailer”, so could we be seeing some proper gameplay or footage of Sonic’s vicious transformation at E3?

A screencap from the trailer of the Werehog has been posted at the SSMB by member Diogenes –

Very vicious indeedy! A lot of commentators on other sites have been quick to tear this trailer apart because of the fact ‘humans are in it’ and all that other garbage, but that’s like saying Sonic Advance had humans in it because of this commercial. Get a grip, ladies.

You can view the new trailer here.

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