Argos Displays UK ASR Box Arts. UK Release Feb 19th?

UK box Xbox 360

UK retailer Argos is now displaying what could be the final UK box arts for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing but one major difference to the leaked U.S. box art is the absence of Banjo & Kazooie on the front. So could SEGA of America be using the bear and bird as a selling point on their box art while SEGA Europe don’t feel the same or could Banjo Kazooie’s appearance on the cover have been scrapped for the final box art?

Another difference is the lack of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection logo on the DS version compared to the leaked U.S. box art that contains the logo.

One more difference is on the PS3 box which oddly contains both the old left side Playstation 3 banner AND the new top header PS3 banner compared to the leaked U.S. box art that only contains the new top header PS3 banner.

Argos’s listed release date has been changed from March 26th to February 19th so could a release date be coming soon from SEGA Europe?

Argos links –
Xbox 360

We’ll let you know of any developments, meanwhile check out the hi-res boxes of the Wii, DS and PS3 versions:
(Click the thumbnails for hi-res)
UK box PS3 UK box Wii UK box DS

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