Freak-Out Friday: Smash King – Fox’s News

Multiplayer gaming. A wonderful gift as well as a terrible curse, it can bring out the worst in people no matter the genre: racing, parties, co-op, and in today’s case, fighting.

In games such as the Super Smash Brothers franchise, sore losers can and will go out of their own way to blame their loss on all sorts of things, whether it be Smash Balls and various items (of which I would imagine all players agreeing to beforehand), “distractions”, “not being at their best”, and other excuses.

Now, what if it were to happen in-game?

As Tigura21 demonstrates, the world of Brawl is now divided over whether or not the usage of items should be banned from here on out; Smashers such as Sonic and Marth give their separate views on this issue. What sparked this debate, you may ask?

Well, it all began when the Cracker Launcher item was working a little too well…


Now… did that leave you begging for more?

Continue reading Freak-Out Friday: Smash King – Fox’s News

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Sound Test Saturday: Chills, Spills, and Thrills

Welcome back to Sound Test Saturday! I’m glad just about everyone appreciated the Sonic Paradox Remix Shorts and the work that has been poured into it! On behalf of the team, I wish to thank you all for the warm reception and support of the album!

Now let us return to our previously scheduled programming, and give the rest of the community a bit of focus, shall we?

Today, four remixes have been picked out for you all! True to today’s theme, only some of the most thrilling and spine-chilling of tunes have been picked out!

For Act 1, we return our attention towards a drummer who premiered on Sound Test Saturday with a most righteous cover of Hydrocity Zone Act 2! This time, with a groovy drum cover for the introductory act for Planet Wisp from Sonic Colours, we welcome back the one and only funkflash!

I had no words for this drum cover at first. Planet Wisp is one of my most favourite tunes out of the entire franchise due to its beautiful melody being handled by a piano, and hearing funkflash play along with the Act 1 track has rendered me speechless. While I love the original on its own, funkflash here has basically nailed the smooth feeling of Planet Wisp and, essentially, remastered the piece through his drumming prowess. Excellent, just as last time!

It reminds me of the last time a musician’s take on Planet Wisp was featured on the site… Similar feelings have been experienced.

In any case, let us turn our attention to Act 2 with a collaboration between Joshua Taipale and alexlp2k10 (or General Offensive! on Soundcloud) that is guaranteed to blow your mind!

For Underwater Maze Escape, here’s their take on Lost Labyrinth Zone Act 3 from Sonic the Hedgehog 4!

If Lost Labyrinth didn’t leave much of an impression on you for its music, it damn well should now, because this is one of the most righteous takes on this track ever! Incorporating a bit of Ancient Maze of Mystery (LL Act 1), Josh and Alex have done an amazing job at remixing this one together, with Alex handling the electronic tunes or Josh providing some breathtaking guitar magic. I oughta play this tune over the stage and see how it goes! Definitely one worthy of your playlists!

Act 3 now, and it’s one that definitely fits this week’s theme! Essentially breathing new life into Hydrocity Act 2 from Sonic 3 & KnucklesHeroBoy1092 turns this midi into a piece worthy of Sonic Generations!

With an entirely different approach on the track, here’s a Modern remix of Hydrocity Zone, for your listening pleasure!

I’ve never heard Hydrocity being played like this. Remixes I’ve heard, though great, were still somewhat close to their source material, but this right here is definitely one of the greatest interpretations of the piece ever. I can see Sonic going all over the water with this song: sliding down the slides, running, even surfing despite the are being confined! Kudos to HeroBoy for remastering an ish midi into something grand!

Speaking of Sonic Generations, we oughta wrap up this week’s playlist with a music video! So how about a cover of… Owl City’s Fireflies?

Released on the eve of the 20th Anniversary title’s release, Golden Rings is both a parody and a homage to Sonic the Hedgehog and his legacy. Some will get a good laugh while others feel like this track truly hits home.

Shadowlink4321 once again takes the stage while Tigura21 of Smash King fame handles the music video! Roll film, and have a good week everyone!

(Those who prefer it without autotune may find it absent here, with Shadowlink4321′s vocals intact!)

Be sure to return next week for the next instalment of The Sound Check! We’ll be with Dr. Mack Foxx as he speaks of his and EspioKaos’s Sonic Piano Reduxes!

Found an interesting cover, remix, or original tune somewhere? Have something of your own? Be sure to send your findings and wares over to me at!

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