Sonic Boom Comic Confirmed to Be Ending

So hot off the press, it’s on fire.

We reported earlier that a solicit suggested that Sonic Boom #11 would mark the last issue of the comic line. Archie have now officially confirmed this news through their twitter. This isn’t the end of their adventures though; like Mega Man X in the Mega Man comic, the stories and characters will continue being seen through the other books. See below for the full statement;

The SONIC BOOM comic series will end after #WorldsUnite with #11. Fear not – the stories and characters will continue in our other books.

So, how have you found the exploits of the Boom cast in the comic? What’s your stance on this sudden news? We’ll still be covering the previews up to the last issue, so this isn’t goodbye just yet for us!

Source: Archie Comic’s Twitter

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