It has been confirmed by FCBD and IDW that Sonic will be getting a comic featuring an original story for next year’s Free Comic Book Day, which will be on May 7. Earlier this year, Sonic returned to the event after a multi-year absence, and this announcement confirms that that wasn’t a one-off.
Unlike Sonic’s previous FCBD outing, however, this one will take place in IDW’s primary Sonic universe. It will feature writing from Ian Flynn, cover and interior art by Adam Bryce Thomas. The story will directly tie into the comic’s larger ongoing story leading into issue 50.
The synopsis is as follows:
Sonic’s racing into a brand-new adventure with his best buds (and co-stars of the hit new movie) Tails and Knuckles by his side! But Sonic’s not the only super-speedster in town… Get caught up with everything you need to know about Sonic’s evil counterpart Surge before she and Sonic go head-to-head in the epic issue #50, a story years in the making!
Check out the cover below: