Hallowe’en Pumpkin Stencils Return!

werehog-bigIt’s back, with a vengeance… and this time, it wants your blood! Or something. Yes, the awesome Hallowe’en pumpkin stencils we offered last year are back, and now they’re permanently archived in a new section in the Media section over on the sidebar. Click on ‘Other Downloads’ and you’ll be taken to a page where our miscellaneous content will go, as and when we get it.

Rally the Cheetah lovingly made these so you can create your own Sonic pumpkins at home! And there’s still a day left to go to prepare, so what perfect timing!

New additions have arrived if you don’t fancy doing the same carvings as last year though, with Silver and an incredible Sonic the Werehog stencil for those looking for a challenge. You’ll need a hell of a pumpkin for the Werehog one, but doesn’t it look badass? Most appropriate for the season, don’t you think?

You can find a direct link to the Hallowe’en Pumpkin stencils here, if you don’t fancy going through that extra click, you lazy git, you. Be sure to write about your own Sonic-themed pumpkin/Hallowe’en stories in the comments box, and from me and everyone at TSS, have a ghoulish weekend!

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