How many of you are familiar with these characters?

Go on be honest, if the names were not there you could probably name maybe 2 at the most? Ok I know some of you can name them all so please don’t flood the comments with ‘I know who they are!’ Because you would be wrong.
For years, those characters have had those names, whilst they’ve been adapted into other medias, you might be thinking ‘hey that Ricky looks like Sally Acorn’ or ‘That Pig and Rabbit look like those guys from Fleetways Sonic the Comic.’ you’d be right, they’ve been adapted and had their names changed. But the originals are still as far as we can tell, going by those names. Pecky, Ricky, Pocky, Flicky etc.
Until yesterday… When most of them ended up with a name change.
Continue reading “Oh Na Na, Pocky Was The Name!” Sonic Characters Given New Names
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Sega have announced a new Sonic digital trading card game in partnership with Stampii. Players will be able to collect/trade/buy digital cards to complete a collection of 90 unique cards in the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
Each card comes with artwork of the character/game and the ‘back’ contains a small blurb about the character or information about the game in question. The selection is quite vast, obscure characters like Pocky and Rocky have even been given a card.
Continue reading Sonic the Hedgehog Digital Trading Cards Launched
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