Live & Learn Gets Acoustic and Fist Bump Get Edgy in New Sonic Sessions Remixes

SEGA’s latest remix project, Sonic Sessions, has continued to churn out superb remixes of classic Sonic songs, with an acoustic version of Live and Learn out today. As “acoustic” would imply, this puts Live and Learn to a slower, more laidback beat, with acoustic guitars replacing the electric guitars of the original song.

In addition to that, we’ve also got last week’s “edgy” remix of Fist Bump, which goes in the complete opposite direction! You can check them both out in Youtube embeds below:

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Official Remix Project “Sonic Sessions” Returns with “Continue”

Is it game over?

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Sonic Sessions, An Official Remix Project, Kicks Off With City Escape

Sonic’s YouTube channel asks you to like, share, and Follow Me, Set Me Free.

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