Sonic Relief 2010: Final Results & Competition Winner

Sonic Relief Founder MK Skillz has issued the following announcement –

And so, the curtain falls on another Sonic Relief campaign. Despite things getting off to a pretty slow start, your entries soon flooded in and we’ve had another successful year of Sonic-related fundraising!

Following last year’s surprising £102 total, we tried to be a bit more experimental this time around. Some of the new features worked well, others not so much – the introduction of JustGiving allowed anyone to make a donation to our cause, whereas the “something sporty” theme was perhaps a bit more limiting. Needless to say, we will be taking all of these things into account in the future.

One thing to keep in mind is that Sonic Relief is still relatively new, and still something unknown to many people in the community. With more time, more publicity and more support, there is plenty of potential still to be unlocked. I’d also like to clear up a possible misconception and say that Sonic Relief is not just a charity campaign – it’s a creative showcase for the community, with your efforts going towards helping a good cause.

Now, before I move on to the announcement of this year’s grand total and our winning entry, I’d like to thank a few people. First, a huge thanks to everyone who entered and donated – I said it last year and I’ll say it again, we couldn’t have done it without you! Thanks also go to T-Bird and Urtheart for donating prizes, to Pelly, ArchangelUK and Vger for helping to promote the campaign and for their general support, and to Dreadknux for letting us hold another Sonic Relief here on The Sonic Stadium. And of course, a massive shout out to my good friend Shadzter who helped to make this whole thing possible for the second year running.

Right then, I think I’ve kept you in suspense long enough! I can reveal that the grand total raised by Sonic Relief 2010 is…

£375.55! (or, if you include Gift Aid, £417.29 !)

That’s an absolutely whopping total, folks! Everyone who participated deserves to give themselves a huge round of applause. If we can raise this much even with a lack of publicity, imagine what we could do if the whole community got involved!

But what of those people who participated though? For the first time in Sonic Relief history we’re giving away prizes for our favourite entry, and we’ve had some real crackers this year. It was certainly tough picking a winner, and everyone who entered should be proud of their work, but here is our favourite entry of 2010…

Winner: Tina Jackson

This entry was picked as the winner because it truly represents what Sport Relief is all about – bringing the worlds of sport and comedy together! Congratulations to you, Tina – you’ve got your hands on those exclusive Sonic and Knuckles plushes, as well as a copy of Sonic Heroes on PC!

I’d also like to make a special mention to Gavvie and his Songs For Sonic album, which raised £100 all by itself. Unfortunately we haven’t got any more prizes to give away, but we can’t thank you enough! Creative ways of fundraising like this are something we want to promote in the future…

And that’s about it for this year’s campaign. Will we be back in 2011? I’m certainly up for it, but it’ll depend on how much the community will get involved – so the more support we get from you guys, the better!

In the meantime if you have any suggestions for future campaigns please do not hesitate to get in touch with either Shadzter or myself, your ideas are much appreciated! Or you can do us a huge favour and just help to spread the word about Sonic Relief!

Thank you all once again for your support and we’ll hopefully see you again soon for more fundraising antics!

Huge thanks goes to Sonic Relief founder MK Skillz, without all of his work this achievement couldn’t have been possible. Thanks from myself also go to everyone who contributed, Dreadknux, T-Bird, Urtheart, Gavvie, Pelly, ArchangelUK, Vger and to everyone who entered the competition and made donations.

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Sonic Relief 2010 Update

MK Skillz the generous guy behind Sonic Relief who we’re working with to help raise money for the Sport Relief 2010 charity fundraiser has issued the following update:


We’ve officially hit the halfway point of Sonic Relief 2010’s two month fundraising drive, with just one month remaining until the campaign ends at midnight (GMT) on 21st March.

With the official Sport Relief campaign now kicking off in the UK, it’s now a mad dash to the finish line to raise as much money as we can!

The total currently stands at £154 thanks to some generous donations on our JustGiving page, but the number of actual entries we’ve received (be it artwork, music, video… anything!) has been disappointingly low. In fact, you can count the amount of entries we’ve had so far using the fingers on one hand, which pales in comparison to the 30 or more entries we received in Sonic Relief 2009’s shorter two week run.

So our message to you all is this – we need your entries! You know what they say, the more the merrier!

The theme for entries this year is “something sporty” but you can make them as humorous as you like as well! Why not take some inspiration from the upcoming Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing, or Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Winter Games… both sport-related Sonic titles! We’d love to see your submissions based on these recent games!

Remember, you don’t have to make a donation to enter. However, entries that are accompanied by a donation to our JustGiving page will be entered into the “Best of Sonic Relief 2010” competition and the winner will receive some fantastic Sonic goodies (which we will hopefully be able to reveal to you soon!)

What are you waiting for? Get your imaginations in gear and get creative! Do your bit for the community as well as for a good cause! This is your time to shine, Sonic fans!

Submissions wishing to be entered into the contest should be sent to as an attachment or a link (depending on what your submission is), along with some form of proof that you have made a donation to Sonic Relief 2010 (be it a name so that we can check you have donated on our JustGiving page or a print screen of your donation).

All other submissions should be posted in the official Sonic Relief 2010 topic. It is recommended that submissions both paid and non-paid should be posted in this topic to give inspiration to others, as well as showcase your creative talents!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Relief 2010 Songs For Sonic Charity Album Released

Sonic Relief 2010 kicked off a few weeks back to help support Sport Relief 2010 and already we’ve raised a total of £134.00 thanks to a very kind Alex Peal who donated £128 and Gavin Storey who donated £6 and £1.69 to Gift Aid. A £6 donation isn’t all Gavin (also known as Gavvie at the SSMB) has done though, he’s also created an official charity album for the cause containing remixes of various tracks from all your favourite Sonic games.

Aswell as his Gavvie online tag Gavin also goes by the name Living Sedative in which he has previously created 3 other albums under so he has experience in the field of music and it certainly shows in this charity album which he has titled Songs For Sonic.

The album consists of 21 tracks
1. Green Hill Sonata 05:35
2. Mega Metropolis 02:55
3. On the Top of the Hill 03:02
4. Come Join the Carnival 04:30
5. Sunset Park Act 1 (Piano Mix) 01:31
6. Jumpin’ Jungle 01:56
7. Chemical Orchestra 03:39
8. Casino Jazz 01:55
9. Emerald Beach 01:37
10. Mystic’s Cave 02:48
11. Sunset Park Act 2 (Dance Mix) 01:31
12. Crystal Eggs 02:11
13. Soarin’ Over the Cosmos 03:25
14. Aqua Planet Rock 01:45
15. Oil in the Ocean 01:30
16. Twinkle Twinkle Little Cart 03:18
17. Sunset Park Act 3 (Rock Mix) 01:31
18. Lava Reef Symphony 03:02
19. Death Egg Mk. II 01:19
20. Final Resonance 02:47
21. Starry Starry Starlight Zone 01:46

The album is now available for you to stream or download for free at Gavin’s Living Sedative website, if you like/can you may also pay an optional donation amount of your choice to our cause which will go straight to the Sport Relief 2010 charity. So far Gavin has raised £6 for the cause from this album and after giving it a listen myself it is well worth paying money to charity for.

Thanks again to Alex Peal and Gavin for their donations and support for our cause, we will keep you updated on futher Sonic Relief 2010 developments. Meanwhile if you’d like to donate to the cause you can at our JustGiving page, we also have a competition to show our appreciation for those donations where you can submit ‘Something Sonic and sporty’ for Charity. Each paid submission will be entered into the contest for Best Sonic Relief Submission 2010 and our favourite will win a prize!

Submissions to be sent to
The closing date for submissions and donations will be midnight (GMT) on Sunday 21st March 2010 to coincide with the end of the Sport Relief Weekend.
(You will need a credit or debit card to donate via JustGiving)

You can contact us at:
MK Skillz (or Sir MK as he’s now known) via PM at the SSMB.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Relief 2010

Press Release by MK Skillz Founder of Sonic Relief:

Sonic Relief is back with a bang! Following the unexpected success of last year’s campaign, Sonic Relief 2010 aims to be bigger, better, and more successful!

This year’s campaign aims to raise money for the biennial Sport Relief charity event from Comic Relief, which brings together the worlds of sport and entertainment to raise money to help vulnerable people in both the UK and the world’s poorest countries. You can find out more about Sport Relief by visiting


The basic premise of the campaign is still the same as last year – do something Sonic for money! Whether you want to draw a picture, sing a song, make a video… literally ANYTHING… then we want to see it! The possibilities are endless!

This year’s theme is “something sporty” to coincide with the charity we are raising money for, but that’s not to say you can’t make it humorous too – as long as your submissions still have some relevance to Sport Relief.

There is one fundamental change to this year though – due to the good ol’ recession, Shadzter and myself won’t be able to do what we did last year whereby a certain amount of money was donated for every submission. Instead, this time we ask if the people submitting could make a small donation along with their submission (only £1 or so will do!). It may seem a bit cheeky, but it’s for a good cause – and there’s something in it for you, too! Each paid submission will be entered into the contest for Best Sonic Relief Submission 2010, and our favourite will win a prize!
*It should be noted that donations are not compulsory, but you will not be entered into the contest if you do not donate*

Sonic Relief 2010 will also utilise JustGiving, a system which allows anyone to make a donation (of however much they wish) to our cause – and the money will go straight to Sport Relief! This enables you to do whatever you like to raise money for Sonic Relief – make a calendar, have a ‘Day in Blue’, participate in a fun run… anything! Raise some cash and then pass it on to us via JustGiving!

Alternatively you can just simply pledge some money via JustGiving. Whether you want to make a set donation no matter what or you want to follow a similar system to last year whereby a certain amount is donated based on how many submissions we receive… well, that’s up to you! We’re giving you every possible option you could ever want to raise money this year!

*You will need a credit or debit card to donate via JustGiving*

Submissions wishing to be entered into the contest should be sent to as an attachment or a link (depending on what your submission is), along with some form of proof that you have made a donation to Sonic Relief 2010 (be it a name so that we can check you have donated on our JustGiving page or a print screen of your donation).

Submissions not wishing to be entered into the contest should be posted as normal in the SSMB topic, the same as with last year’s campaign, so that everyone can see them and be inspired by them. Submissions wishing to be entered into the contest can also be posted in the SSMB topic so that we can keep a total of how many submissions have been made to the campaign (in case anyone is planning to donate using a similar system to last year).

The closing date for submissions and donations will be midnight (GMT) on Sunday 21st March 2010 to coincide with the end of the Sport Relief Weekend.

If you have any queries regarding this year’s campaign, do not hesitate to contact either myself or Shadzter and we will do our best to respond.

Contact MK Skillz at SSMB
E-mail Shadzter:

Thanks for all your support so far and stay tuned for more Sonic Relief announcements coming soon!

[Sonic Relief Facebook Group] [@SonicReliefUK on Twitter] [Sonic Relief JustGiving Page]

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Relief 2010 – Dates And More Details Revealed

Sonic Relief 2010 logo

Myself and MK Skillz have had some more discussions about 2010’s Sonic Relief campaign and we have some more details and dates to reveal.

Continue reading Sonic Relief 2010 – Dates And More Details Revealed

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Relief 2010 – New Details Revealed

MK Skillz, the founder of Sonic Relief has just issued a press release regarding Sonic Relief 2010.

Sonic Relief 2010 is on its way and there’s plenty to get excited about!

The campaign will run in a similar fashion to Sonic Relief 2009 – people can make Sonic-related submissions (be it artwork, music, video… anything!) and a certain amount of money will be donated to charity based on how many submissions are made. However, we’re planning on giving away a prize or two for our favourite entries, so that’s an extra incentive to get creating!

That’s not all though. Perhaps you have another idea to raise some money? Well, now you’ll be able to take the fundraising into your own hands! Inspired by some of the suggestions we’ve received from the Suggestions Topic (including a “Day in Blue” and a rather interesting calendar idea), we plan on setting up a system whereby you can come up with your own ways to raise money and then pass on the proceedings to the main Sonic Relief campaign. Alternatively, this system will also allow anyone to just simply make a donation should they wish! We want everyone to be able to get involved in next year’s Sonic Relief!

There you have it then, that’s the basic premise for Sonic Relief 2010. You can expect the campaign to be kicking off in early January and running up until March to coincide with the UK Sport Relief campaign.

So, be sure to put your thinking caps on and get your creative juices flowing in readiness for what will hopefully be a bigger and better Sonic Relief!

In the meantime, you can get yourself prepared for the campaign by following @SonicReliefUK on Twitter or joining the official Sonic Relief Facebook group.

If you have any questions regarding Sonic Relief, please do not hesitate to contact us –
PM MK Skillz at SSMB

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Relief 2010 Ideas Wanted, Apply Within


There’s currently a great idea brewing on the SSMB that I just felt the need to share. For one reason or another it’s having trouble gathering momentum but hopefully this will draw more attention towards it. SSMB member MK Skillz is the man with the plan and he’s sent me the following message to relay to everyone:

“Some of you may remember the Sonic Relief 2009 campaign that was run earlier this year which was an unexpected success and raised over £100 for UK charity Comic Relief. Well the two people behind the campaign – MK Skillz and Shadzter – want to bring Sonic Relief back. But before we do so, we want to hear some ideas from you.

Suggestions are wanted from you guys regarding what changes or improvements you would make to Sonic Relief. This doesn’t necessarily mean suggestions for activities for a future Sonic Relief (though by all means share your ideas!), it primarily means suggestions on how to change the Sonic Relief formula itself in terms of donations and submissions, etc. After all, it’d be you guys who’d be participating in the campaign, so we want to make it as workable as possible for you.

Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the Suggestions Topic on SSMB!

In other news, Twitter users can now follow @SonicReliefUK to share their ideas and keep up to date with all the latest Sonic Relief news. MK Skillz and Shadzter thank you in advance for your suggestions.”

I realise everywhere is feeling the pinch of recession at the moment but this is a great opportunity to have the community pull together and make something truly special. So get your thinking caps on and send in your ideas. You can aso get a feel for what kinds of things went down earlier this year by taking a look at the Sonic Relief 2009 topic on the SSMB

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.