Fanatics: Rockin’ Rusty Ruin

rustyruinPlug plug plug.

My main man Hunter Bridges just dropped a sick Sonic remix over at the Sonic Nexus blog, dudes.  This new remix is a part of the second soundtrack of the game, the “Retro Remixes,” which consist of taking classic Sonic songs and remixing them into the style of the Nexus zone.  The 8th zone, Wicked Works, is very groove heavy with guitars chugging along, so the Retro Remix had to follow suit.  Hunter remixed Rusty Ruin from the Genesis version of Sonic 3D Blast and well…just listen to it.

It’s in the media player at the top of the Nexus page.  It’s track #11.

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Sonic Nexus music contest puts $20 up for grabs

Hunter Bridges, the composer of the Sonic Nexus fan project, is offering $20 worth of digital download points and a free copy of the completed Nexus OST in a contest where users create faithful, MIDI arrangements of the game’s music.  All the contest asks people to do is to create MIDIs of the zone themes (not the Retro Remix tracks) and submit them to Hunter by January 7th, 2009. All the tracks have been put in the on-site music player.  This contest is the second of a series of contests to hit the Sonic scene.  Take advantage while you can!

For full information about the contest, visit the contest page.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Comments enabled on Nexus site, time attacking continues

I want you to play my Sonic game.  I want you to read the articles on the site.  I want to make sure that you are actually reading the site by commenting on the posts.  So, that is what we have done over at the Sonic Nexus Development Blog. You can freely comment on anything you want over there, so when an article peaks your interest and a question arises, you can now ask it and promptly get an answer.  We will be more than happy to answer it.

Cheating. This guy did it.

Secondly, we are eleven days into the Time Attack Challenge and we currently have 13 entries.  That number is pretty damn good.  So, hey, let’s keep it up!  Record yourself playing the latest demo and upload it to YouTube as a video response to the “hub video” and you could win a $15 gift card.  No joke here, folks.  Spread the word!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Play Sonic Nexus

Yeah, the demo is here. Once we missed SAGE, we took our dear sweet time, but now it is here to make your Labor Day even more awesome. You can play two acts of Sunset Shore and that’s about it. However, the level is sprawling with branching paths, so it warrants a few playthroughs for you to see everything. Nexus truly illustrates what a person can do in the brand new Retro-Sonic interface, so we hope it is a clear too you indication that this summer was a long, time-consuming process on making a brand new iteration of the engine. We also felt that we should take our time in creating our ideal product, as a hasty release definitely will piss people off (see: ProSonic). It was time well spent.

Secondly, you can record your best time with screen capture software and upload it to YouTube for a chance win $15. Yes! All you have to do is post your time attack run as a video response to the contest “hub” video, WHICH IS RIGHT HERE!

Finally, I encourage everybody to read our Nexus website and development blog, as the team and I will be updating it frequently, Smash Bros. Dojo style! You’ll see new screenshots, features, gameplay videos, and updates at least once a week, if not more. New music will be added to the on-site player periodically, as well. The community has always been left in the dark when it comes to Nexus’ development, as I only have been shedding light on details around SAGE time, but now, you can read about it year round. The website is essentially the game’s manual, so it will have all the goods. The first feature on the site is “Meet That Badnik,” where we go in-depth on one of Robotnik’s mechanical mercenaries. You can expect articles of similar quality coming down the pipe.

So, without further adieu…


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