Sonic Mega Collection + Rated for XBLM


European ratings board PEGI have rated the Xbox Original title Sonic Mega Collection Plus for Xbox Live Arcade. We can only assume they mean the ‘Originals’ section of the Marketplace, and not the Live Arcade itself. For those who don’t know, SMC+ is an Xbox re-release of a Gamecube Sonic compilation, with added Game Gear titles as well as a few hidden non-Sonic titles.

PEGI have rated the game 7+, which is odd because they rated the original Xbox version 12+, so could we see some cuts in this port? Another thing that’s odd about this is that the original Xbox version is backwards compatible with the Xbox 360 anyway, the Mega Drive games will soon be released in SEGA’s newest compilation (SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection) and two of those Mega Drive titles are already on the Xbox Live Arcade.

Oh well, if it’s going cheap and people can’t find the original Xbox game and want some added Game Gear action, this will be a good buy for them.

Source: PEGI

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Sonic Mega Collection + Does It Again

Only weeks ago reports flooded the Internet about Sonic Mega Collection Plus smashing sales in the UK charts, and today, Sonic Mega Collection Plus does it again, in the final region left to receive the game, Australia.

SMC+ currently holds the number 1 spot on Playstation 2 and Xbox, being only beaten on the multiplatform charts by Super Mario 64 DS, which continues its success at the top since it’s release late last month.

Continue reading Sonic Mega Collection + Does It Again

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