RUMOR: Sonic Colors Remaster Incoming, UPDATE; Price & Platforms Also Leaked

UPDATE: Thanks to Ali Ahmed in the comments, we now know of another source that’s leaked info. French online game retailer Sogamely has Sonic Colors listed for Switch, PS4 and Xbox One for €35 each. Given how game prices tend to work that’d translate to $35 USD. The games are called “Sonic Colors Ultimate – Limited Edition.” If accurate, this would appear to suggest that the remaster would getting some sort of physical release as well.

Unfortunately, linking to it directly doesn’t seem to work, but you can find it yourself by going to the Sogamely link we provided and searching “Sonic Colors.”

Original Article:

German dubbing studio iksample has potentially leaked a Sonic game: a remaster of Sonic Colors. The company lists it among their upcoming projects (albeit with a Sonic Boom graphic). This would be a pretty odd thing to list by mistake, but as always: this isn’t a confirmed project, so treat it as such.

If true, this suggests the game is getting a German dub, something the original game didn’t have. A “remaster” can mean a variety of things in today’s game industry, but the creation of a new dub suggests something a bit better than “Sonic Colors but in HD.” Though it hardly points towards a completely remade game either.

If this is real, we’ll likely be hearing about it soon. Stay tuned for further updates!

via iksample

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