Freak-Out Friday: Smash King – Fox’s News

Multiplayer gaming. A wonderful gift as well as a terrible curse, it can bring out the worst in people no matter the genre: racing, parties, co-op, and in today’s case, fighting.

In games such as the Super Smash Brothers franchise, sore losers can and will go out of their own way to blame their loss on all sorts of things, whether it be Smash Balls and various items (of which I would imagine all players agreeing to beforehand), “distractions”, “not being at their best”, and other excuses.

Now, what if it were to happen in-game?

As Tigura21 demonstrates, the world of Brawl is now divided over whether or not the usage of items should be banned from here on out; Smashers such as Sonic and Marth give their separate views on this issue. What sparked this debate, you may ask?

Well, it all began when the Cracker Launcher item was working a little too well…


Now… did that leave you begging for more?

Continue reading Freak-Out Friday: Smash King – Fox’s News

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