Details of Plot to Sonic Generations Emerge

We’ve seen a lot of footage coming out of Gamescom last week with regards to gameplay in Sonic Generations, but the storyline of the game has been kept realtively vague. However details have emerged from on some elements of the story early in the game – the exerpt is taken from the preview by Andy Daniel:

At the start of the game, everyone is attending a picnic in honour of Sonic’s 20th, when all of a sudden a mysterious dark force intrudes and sends everyone, including our spiky blue protagonist, back in time. Sonic is finding a way to get himself and everyone else back to the present time and along the way he bumps into many familiar faces including his younger (albeit chubbier) self! The two Sonics team up and work together to save their friends once again.

While confirming nothing, this may illude to the other characters that may appear in the game including the introduction of a possible new antagonist.

Funny, I thought Sonic spent his birthday down the pub with Dreadknux…


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