NGamer Reviews Sonic Colours Wii, Supports Miis

According to reports, the UK edition of NGamer magazine has put out their review of Sonic Colours on Wii in their new issue released to store shelves today and it’s good news, because the magazine has given the game a score of 86%. NGamer has many positive things to say about the game, praising the single player, the Wisps and the replay value given when returning to stages to find hidden routes with later unlocked Wisps.

“The Similarity to the Mario Galaxy Games is it’s abundance of ideas. This is Sonic Team in an uncharacteristically creative and generous mood. It’s one that suits them well. The addition of the power-altering wisps is what does it.”

– “These aren’t powerups, they’re toys – single-use shots of pure fun that have the happy side effect of opening up new pathways in already pleasingly labyrinthine stages.”

– “The lists of powers goes on and on, and backtracking to find new areas in which to use them is a big part of the fun.”

NGamer weren’t too keen on the multiplayer section of the game though, claiming it can feel like a tug of war at times.

“As a multiplayer game Sonic Colours is less than perfect (the speedy action often results in a game of tug of war using the screen as a rope).”

The review reveals a new feature in the game’s multiplayer mode, the ability to play as your Mii.

– The ability to swap Sonic for your Miis means there’s still throwaway fun to be had.” (in multiplayer)

They finish the review up with a high note in their summary.

Summary – “Colours Rockets Sonic closer to the stratospheric heights of past glories and hints at a great future. Welcome back old friend, it’s been to long.”

For the full review, pick up the latest issue of NGamer in-store now or you can order it online from

Source: Sonicka at the ONM Forums

Thanks to SiLeNtDo0m at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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IGN & 1UP Review Sonic Adventure XBLA/PSN

Gaming media giants, IGN and 1UP have given their opinions on the downloadable port of Sonic Adventure that is due to hit Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network today. It appears both of reviewers didn’t have a lot of fun with the game, just look at the scores, IGN’s Arthur Gies gives the game a 3.5/10 and 1UP’s Ray Barnholt a D.

Why such a low score and a low-grade? Both put an emphasis on complaints about poor controls, a bad camera, outdated graphics and sections that don’t require any player input. IGN’s Gies goes so far as to say the game borders on unplayable:

The game was so fast, in fact, that you probably didn’t even realize how broken it actually is. Sonic Adventure is so fundamentally flawed that it borders on unplayable – the sections that move the fastest, that work most, that are even slightly interesting, require the least input from the player. In fact, in many of these sections, input from the player will result in death or catastrophe, and there’s really no way to know which until you either fly through not completely sure what happened or die, also not completely sure what happened.

1UP’s Barnholt also seems very frustrated and think the developers should have implemented some improvements to the game:

But the thing is, Sonic Adventure DX wasn’t all that improved over the original version, so all of the questionable physics and maddening controls are still here; not once re-evaluated, not even thought to be improved. If you remember getting Sonic caught on loop-the-loops or practically begging Amy to jump a little higher over one little ledge, you’ll experience all of it in the same spots. If levels like the Sky Deck drove you insane with its narrow walkways that were so easy to fall from, prepare to go crazy again. And while the game was already somewhat touchy, it also feels like it wasn’t even tuned for the Xbox 360 controller and its analog sticks. Listen carefully and you can hear the shattering of rose-tinted lenses.

For the full reviews, head over to IGN and 1UP.

Do you agree with IGN and 1UP’s opinion’s? Do you plan on downloading the game today? Let us know in the comments.

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Sonic & Knuckles Wii VC Gets An 85% From ONM

Official Nintendo Magazine UK have reviewed the recent Wii Virtual Console release of Sonic & Knuckles and given it a good score of 85%.

The reasons restricting them giving the game an even higher score is as follows:

Naturally though, the main gameplay change is the addition of Knuckles, whose ability to glide and climb walls changes the feel of the game drastically. The levels aren’t laid out as well as those in the previous Sonic games however, and the game suffers slightly as a result.

So while it’s not as essential as the main Sonic trilogy, Sonic & Knuckles is still highly recommended for all platform fans.

Guess ONM arent fans of Knuckles gameplay change though they do give a + at the end of review for being able to play as him, the only – they give the game is in their words “Not as good as Sonic 2 or 3”.

What do you think of their review? Let the debate begin in the comments section.

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Nintendo Power Review Scores For ASR

We’ve just had word that Nintendo Power’s new issue is out and in it they have reviews for both Wii and DS versions of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. According to GoNintendo reader Nez the magazine has given the Wii version an 8/10 and the DS version a 6/10. GamesMaster magazine put their reviews out on Tuesday where the game got scores around the same area with Xbox 360/PS3 version earning an 83%, Wii version also got an 83% and DS version a lower 70% score.

If you have this new issue of Nintendo Power and can confirm the scores let us know in the comments.

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