UPDATE 2: Thanks to the Wayback Machine we can see there were no Sonic listings on Strassman’s resume on March 14th 2012, but there are in the next capture on September 5th 2012, including ‘Sonic II’.
UPDATE: We have since found an old copy of Strassman’s resume from 22nd January 2012 that still lists ‘Sonic II’. Either work had already started on the new game back then, it’s a cancelled project or this is an error.
Original story: The Sonic Stadium has today spotted a listing for a video game titled ‘Sonic II’ on the resume of current English Rouge the Bat voice actor Karen Strassman’s resume. A Google search shows Strassman’s resume was last updated 20th May 2014 and the game is listed after Sonic Free Riders and Sonic Generations, her last roles as Rouge, so it’s likely this is an upcoming unannounced game.
The title is strange, considering we had Sonic the Hedgehog 2 back in the 90s, but then again, we did have a new Sonic the Hedgehog in 2006. However, with such negative feedback, we don’t think SEGA would create a sequel to that game, especially if it performed as poorly. There’s also the possibility this could be a remake of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, but SEGA kind of did that on mobile devices not too long ago with the help of Taxman and Stealth.
We recently reported about another unknown title with a 2 in its name ‘Sonic Mach 2’, which we spotted on German Orbot voice actor Romanus Fuhrman’s resume. Could they be one and the same? We’ll have to wait and see…
If we get any updates, we’ll be sure to let you know.
Karen Strassman’s website resume
Karen Strassman’s voice acting site resume
Google search results
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