ONM Want Your Sonic 4 Questions

Official Nintendo Magazine UK are starting a new feature on their website called ‘ONM Asks’ where they gather your burning questions to ask game developers about upcoming projects coming to Nintendo consoles. To begin this new venture they will be posting a recent Q&A they had with the team behind the Ace Attorney games this Friday but afterwards they’ll be seeing the Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 team and they want to take your queries regarding the game with them. If you would like to take part you can post your questions at their forums.

Thanks to Trainer Gold at the SSMB for the heads up.

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Gamespot Want Your Questions For SEGA

Sega-Sonic logo

Gamespot have a nice treat lined up for SEGA fans this Christmas/New Year period as they are visiting SEGA HQ in Japan and interviewing some of their top developers about what they have planned for 2010.

Gamestop aren’t stopping there though, they want to get the fans involved so their asking for you to send in your questions to put to Sega’s head of consumer business and the developers of 4 of their biggest games they have lined up for 2010 with one of the developers being the producer for Sonic Unleashed namely Toshihiro Nagoshi.

Gamespots one rule is –
Remember: We want clear and intuitive questions that will translate well and give other readers an insight into the development process and the games.

The interview line-up is as follows –
Game: Yakuza 3
Platform: PlayStation 3
Developer Interview: Toshihiro Nagoshi

Game: Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll
Platform: Wii
Developer Interview: Yasuhito Baba

Game: Resonance of Fate
Platform: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Developer Interview: Tri-Ace Studios

Game: Valkyria Chronicles 2
Platform: PSP
Developer Interview: Sega

Sega head of consumer business: Naoya Tsurumi

Gamespot will also be having an exclusive chat with Naoya Tsurumi, former CEO of Sega America and now head of consumer business for the publisher.

No date is given as to when Gamespot will stop taking questions but they explain when some of the answers will be posted –
Make sure you check back here the week starting December 21 to see some of your questions answered. Finally, stay tuned for all the Sega coverage, including previews and video interviews launching on GameSpot on December 28!

So best to start sending your questions in now rather than later. Another piece of confusion is where do fans submit their questions? Well Gamespot forgot to mention that too so it’s to be assumed their to be posted in the comments section of the article so you’ll have to sign up on their website which is free to do.

Now what question should I submit? Hmm…

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