Fury as Argos Doesn’t Deliver on Sonic Colours Pre-Order Offer

You may recall an offer at UK retailer Argos’ website we reported on back in September (seen in the screen cap above), which promised that customers who pre-ordered Sonic Colours on Wii or DS would be delivered a free Sonic & Wisps figure with their copy of the game on release day. The game has been out since Friday and there have been many reports at the SSMB from members who pre-ordered with Argos that they have received their game, but NOT the figure, including The Sonic Stadium’s own, T-Bird.

Here are a few of those reports:
jennytablina said

Are the figures being posted separate from the game? I was a tad miffed that my copy of Colours Wii didn’t come with them (only a little, I was pretty happy with the game but y’know )

Though I was pretty impressed with the fact Argos actually got the game to me on release day despite pre-ordering only a few weeks before.


Blue Blood said

Yup, same. I’m waiting on two figures (totally separate orders for each version), and if they don’t deliver then plenty of rage will ensue.


FTA said

Those sneaky bastards. Last time I shop with them.



Dear Argos, I don’t like what you’ve been doing to my friends and I who pre-ordered. It’s messed up, so now I’m gonna mess you up.


SSMB member CobraRoll on Friday said they didn’t get their figure, but after speaking to Argos they were told that the figure will be sent out at a later date:

Well, my order from Argos arrived this morning and I can confirm that it is NOT the special edition that Australia has been getting. I called Argos again about it today and they said give it a few more days for the figures to arrive and they should do. I’ll be chasing them up again though if it doesn’t arrive.



Yeah pretty much what they said to me. When they looked the catalogue number for it up, they did comment that the number is the kind which coincides with some kind of deal. They just say to wait for a bit and get back to them if they don’t deliver.


SSMB member Gnasher, who also hasn’t received a figure, has contacted Argos today in hopes to resolve the issue. In a post made at the SSMB, Gnasher says he was told that Argos claimed no such offer existed.

I just got off the phone with the Argos people and least to say I’m far from happy at all with what I was told. Argos used every excuse in the book to try and explain why there was no figure with my pre-order. They included but where not limited to.

* Did you enter the offer code when you went into the final purchase?

* The offer is no longer on the website.

Now… correct me if I’m wrong, but a pre-order offer typically ends after the game is released, and as reported on TSS Argos pulled down their listing shortly before the game came out, yet did not notify any of those who had pre-ordered that this had changed.

There was also no offer code to enter, it said in the description that the figure was included in the order, no additional code had to be entered.

Then we moved onto the issue of the game in question….

Did you open the game from the packaging? If yes, no refund or figure.

So anyone that opened their game, and was told that it would be sent out later, you’re not getting a figure anymore.

This is despite explaining to the lady, that I had screen prints of my orders, including the offer itself, and several reports from other people who had pre-ordered (you guys) that they had no received their figure. It was then that she claimed that there had been no other reports or complaints about missing figures, or that there was even an offer on this particular item.

Because there is no listing on the argos website it means that it didn’t exist… again… despite the fact that many people print screened [the above] image!

Gnasher was so furious with this that he’s going to be contacting BBC Watchdog and Trading Standards, in hope that they will be able to help everyone affected by this.

I am going to be writing to them with the above, and BBC watchdog as well as trading standards will be CC in the letters, if you guys are a bit pissed at this I suggest you do the same.


Blue Blood says he ordered both Wii and DS versions from Argos and neither version came with the advertised figure, so he will be calling the retailer tomorrow.

I’ll phone them tomorrow. Better still, I had two separate orders. I bought the DS version and my Mum bought the Wii one, so that’s twice they fucked this house over.

We will let you know how the situation pans out and if we hear of any solution given to this problem.

Did you pre-order with Argos? Did you receive the advertised figure? If not, have you been in touch with Argos and heard anything we haven’t? Let us know in the comments.

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