Sonic Frontiers Breaks New Record For 3D Game Sales With 3.5 Million Copies

Sonic Frontiers has seemingly become the fastest-selling mainline 3D Sonic the Hedgehog game ever, as SEGA casually announced yesterday that its latest open-zone adventure has sold 3.5 million units. This puts it above the last officially-released sales data for Sonic Heroes (in 2007), which previously held the title with around 3.4 million units.

The new milestone means that Sonic Frontiers has sold an additional 300,000 units since the start of April 2023, and puts it on a course to be one of the franchise’s best-selling titles. SEGA confirmed that they will be seeking to keep the momentum of the game’s sales going by continuing its strategy to develop cross-media products, merchandising and a regular game release cadence.

The information was revealed on stage during a SEGA/Rovio joint press conference that took place in Helsinki, Finland. The meeting was to formally establish SEGA’s acquisition of the Angry Birds mobile studio that took place last month and to give some insight as to what integration and partnership plans are being considered.

Things were interesting on that front as well, with a slide and mention that plans were in place to establish cross-media collaborations between a number of SEGA and Rovio IPs. While the company stopped short of outright announcing a Sonic x Angry Birds crossover, you can see from the slide image above that the publisher is undoubtedly looking at ways to further expand fanbases of both brands in similar ways.

We’ll wait to see what happens on that front. For now, it seems like there’s enough celebrating to do with Sonic Frontiers’ newly-found title as fastest-selling 3D Sonic game! Congratulations SEGA and Sonic Team.

Via Radical (Twitter)

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Over 1 Million Detectives Have Downloaded The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog

SEGA’s April Fools Day video game, The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, has become anything but a joke – with over one million players downloading the title since it launched on Steam on March 31. We feel like that has to be some kind of record, right? Well, if it isn’t, it’s still super impressive!

The news was announced by Sonic Social Media Manager Katie Chrzanowski, who also executive produced the light-hearted detective thriller. Chrzanowski also revealed that the game has been highly rated by those who have played it too, with ‘Murder’ currently sitting at #61 on highest-rated games on Steam of all time.

It’s an incredible milestone for a comical spinoff game made entirely by the US-based Sonic social media team. Of course, while the fact the game is free could go some way to explain its explosive popularity, it doesn’t discount the huge positive reception from all players who have tried it. It’s been warmly embraced by everyone who has taken the time to play it – it’s a great little detective story!

So it has been a great weekend for the Sonic social team – and all it took was killing off their company’s mascot! Congratulations, SEGA!

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