Kid Denied Name Change of ‘Sonic X’ By Norwegian King

A 6 year old Norwegian child by the name of Christer had his hopes crushed recently by the King of Norway who he wrote to asking for his name to be changed to ‘Sonic X’. The child, a fan of the Japanese Anime of the same name, wrote a letter to King Harold V but his parents thought common sense would prevail and were at first reluctant to post it.

Several months passed until Christer finally begged them to send it and amazingly once they did they received a reply. King Harold V wrote back stating that he couldn’t change the child’s name yet as he was under the age of 18 but that if he asked again some 12 years later he would happily change it then.

Christer, forlorn at the bad news and long wait ahead of him told Norwegian website that the decision “was a bit bad.”

Alls well that ends well though as Sega have actually tried to make contact with Christer through the website in question to send him some Sonic X Goodies to cheer him up.

Thanks to Psyguy of the SSMB for digging up this gem

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