UPDATE: We’ve heard that the free version doesn’t come with achievements, only the paid version does.
Own a Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 7 & 8 and love Sonic? Well, the recent upgrade of the Mega CD classic Sonic CD is now free to download. Yes, it is F R E E FREE of charge. New features include 16:9 widescreen, achievements, leaderboards and both the US and Japanese soundtracks.
You can download the game from your Nokia Lumia phone here.
Source: OzBargain
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SEGA has today released the Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games Virtual Card Album on the European Nintendo 3DS eShop. The free app allows you to collect virtual cards between now and September 9th 2012 featuring characters from the Mario & Sonic universes. You start out with five cards and collect more by purchasing them with Play Coins or via SpotPass and StreetPass. Some cards are rarer than others, with some so rare you will have to visit designated Nintendo Zone locations and events to nab them. There are more than 70 cards to collect in all. Happy hunting!
Source: Official Nintendo Magazine UK
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djpretzel is reporting over at OC ReMix that their latest fan remix album ‘The Sound of Speed’ is now complete and available for download now. The album was remixed by OA and Scaredsim and is the sites’ 25th arrangement album.
Here’s what dj pretzel had to say about the album:
Right then – on to the ReMix!! This namesake collab between OA and Scaredsim rocks ‘Green Hill Zone’ out with upbeat rock/pop arrangement featuring crunchy guitars, polished production, some really cool, syncopated drum work, and a generally positive & anthemic vibe. Simon’s lead guitar meshes perfectly with Andrew’s arrangement & …pretty much everything else. The melody stays pretty conservative, but the accompaniment has some really smart, interesting components & details. Starting at 1’16”, the backing drum track really gets cheeky, in a good way, and in general this is an arrangement you can mindlessly toe tap and rock out to, but which ALSO warrants concentration & focus to appreciate the craftsmanship.
Director halc says:
“Ah, the infamous Green Hill Zone. OA was the first person I invited to the project back in July of 2009. I was quite into his wonderful Animal Crossing remix ‘Letting Go’ at the time, and figured Green Hill would be a perfect match for his style. Incidentally (and to my delight), he had some interest in said song. Scaredsim jumped in to lay down the guitars, which meshed wonderfully with OA’s arrangement. This is the “definitive” Green Hill remix, IMO, and I’m very proud to share my beloved album title with it. :P”
You can download the album or a preview of it over at OC ReMix or from the album’s website now.
Thanks to Velotix Lexovetikan at the SSMB for the heads up!
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Oh, I bet you do. Just itching to get a hold of that teaser video to put on your iPod or something. You crazy kids and your technologies. Well, I won’t beat around the bush too much, you can download a copy of the video direct from our Media Portal. I’ll add it to the Videos section of this website soon, but for now just click directly to the link.
Sonic 4 Reveal Trailer (TSS Media Portal) – 176MB
Right click and select ‘Save As…’
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With Summer of Sonic 2009 all wrapped up and way past awesome for all involved, we’re starting to crack out some great downloads for people to keep as memories – or to entertain those who couldn’t attend the convention this year. As it happens, Bentley Jones returned after last year’s performance and gave an exclusive Sonic-themed song. Last year he did a special mix of “In His World”. 2009’s piece?
They Call Me Sonic.
Yep. I wasn’t kidding. They Call Me Sonic. As Bentley took the stage to sing it live, he jokingly mentioned how ‘serious’ this song is and how meaningful it is for Sonic fans around the world. Damn straight, it is. Maybe next year we can get someone to do a cover of Wonderman.
You can download the Studio version of Bentley Jones’ “They Call Me Sonic – Furry Tails Enhanced Parody Mix” (AAUK named it that, by the way) right here on TSS. Watch it on Youtube (because nothing says music download better than a video website obviously) via Sonic Wrecks’ page, then get it via the link below:
Bentley Jones – They Call Me Sonic (Furry Tails Enhanced Parody Mix) – 4.3MB
Download from TSS’ Media Server
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Remember that Sonic Unleashed theme song? What was it called? Endless Possibility or something? That track you all went nuts over when it was played at the Summer of Sonic Convention in London this year. Yeah, that one. How would you like to hear to full version? Oh, I know you do. Just so happens we have it for you to listen to. Click on the link to TSS’ Media Portal and be forever Reddick’d.
Oh, if you’re also into all the music in Unleashed, Sheza has an awesome topic right here, give it a look if you want more for your music player.
Endless Possibility (Full Version) (TSS Media Portal) – 3.9MB
Right click and select ‘Save As…’
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With the epic Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood game just around the corner, we thought we’d provide more of an opportunity to salivate over it just a little more. SEGA Europe have just sent us this wallpaper, which is exclusive to The Sonic Stadium. Download it, slap on your desktop and be proud. SEGA Nerds also has their own wallpaper, but those with a fetish for Tails and HOT WRENCH ACTION can probably make do with this one. I’ve got it on my desktop now. Those blue, alluring eyes…. looking right at me… as if I was — (Runs off to write a fanfiction)
Sonic Chronicles: Tails Wallpaper (TSS Exclusive) – 2.1MB
Right click and select ‘Save As…’
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