Gotta Grrr Fast! Sonic Dog Costume


Sup Dawg’s? I got some Sonic news for you.

A Sonic the Hedgehog costume…. For dogs! A Sonic the Hedgehog costume… FOR DOGS! Erm… Can I fit it on a cat?

This costume has popped up for order on, current asking price is $20 + Postage. I can’t imagine it being official but. If you fancy turning Fido into the worlds fasted hedgehog. Well hot dog, nows your chance!

Pay no attention to the fact that they have just photoshopped the costume onto the dog and not managed to get one to sit still enough to put him in one. It’s a Sonic costume! For dogs! It comes in small, medium, large and extra large, though you might want to get on the dog n’ bone to get more accurate measurements.

Anyone here going to order one? Regardless as to if you own a dog? You’d be barking mad not to take avantage of this find.

Source: HalloweenCostumes

Edit: According to the website, this is indeed an official product.

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