Sonic Lost World DLC Not Working in Canada

deadly six edition

UPDATE: SEGA’s RubyEclipse has answered the topic at the SEGA Forums to inform that SEGA is now investigating the problem.

Hi guys,

Thanks for your patience – we’re investigating this now. 🙂

If you’re having the issue and haven’t already, please do send in a ticket to Customer Support so we have you in our records.

Original story:
Sonic Lost World has finally been released in North America today, but it appears the wait hasn’t been completely worth it for those purchasing the Wii U version in Canada specifically. SSMB member XD375 grabbed his copy of the Wii U Deadly Six Bonus Edition today at his local EB Games store, but when he got home and tried to enter his DLC code on the eShop, it wouldn’t work. XD375 reports that his Canadian friends at other forums are also having this problem, as is a Canadian user over at the SEGA Forums.

American residents aren’t reporting any issues, so it appears the problem might be that SEGA has accidentally put codes intended for the American eShop in with the Canadian copies of the game, which don’t work on the Canadian eShop. Worse still, XD375 says his EB Games Store hasn’t received the advertised pre-order bonus DLC either.

XD375 has created a topic in the customer support section of the SEGA Forums, but so far hasn’t received a reply. If we hear anything from SEGA on the matter, we’ll update.

Thanks to XD375 at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Sonic Lost World: Deadly Six Bonus Edition Coming to North America

For the last 24 hours, people living outside of North America have been yelling EUROPE GETS EVERYTHING” when yesterdays news broke that a collectors edition of Sonic Lost World would be coming to Europe .

deadly six edition

But rejoice, bravo, champagne! The North American region of the world shall not be denied! rejoice my friends from accross the pond! Today is a great day! LET THE BELLS RING!

North America is getting a collectors edition of the game! Sonic Lost World: Deadly Six Bonus Edition will be available for a limited time and contains the exact same content as yesterdays Deadly Six Edition which was announced for Europe. Thats right! You’re also going to get the chance to play in ‘Sonic’s Nightmare,’ those Deadly Six won’t get away! Not with the EU/NA alliance! WE CAN SAVE THE WORLD! TOGETHER!

We shall fight them in the Windy Hill! We shall fight them in the Frozen Factories and in the Silent Forests and in their dreams! I am ready… FOLLOW ME!

… … …. ….

No price details or retailers were announced… keep it at TSS for more info as and when we get it. More images of the bonus content in our gallery.

Source: Sega Blog


In North America, it’s called “Sonic Lost World: Deadly Six Bonus Edition.

In Europe, it’s called “Sonic Lost World: Deadly Six Edition”. They have the exact same bonus content.

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