NYCC: Archie Creator Tell All Panel Video

Well, it’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here: Archie’s Creator Tell All Panel. Truth be told, I haven’t watched it myself, but it’s got Ian and Spaz so it’s gotta be good, right?

Aside from maybe a Sonic Colors video, this concludes are NYCC coverage. I hope you enjoyed are in-depth, fun, info filled interviews, exclusive pics, and videos of the event. Don’t think this is our last event though. We’ve taken you to E3, Comic Con, PAX, and NYCC, and we’ll be taking you to those places and more next year. This year was a test run in a lot of ways, as we found our footing, learned how to cover such events, and how to improve on what we’ve done to bring you even better stuff.

This also isn’t the end of our Archie coverage. Over the course of the summer we’ve gotten into contact with people within the company, and we intend to use these contacts for your benefit. Stay tuned.

With that said, some more exclusive pics have slipped through the cracks of all the coverage. This is stuff From Ian’s second non-Sonic project, Cosmo:

Without further ado, the Archie Creator Tell All Panel!






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