Signed SatAM DVD on eBay

It’s clear to see that the best release of the SatAM DVD box set is the American one. Brits have also been lucky enough to see a SatAM boxset, but we don’t have any of that awesome artwork on the cover, nor the fan art that adorns the inside packaging. So what better than to get a copy of the American DVD boxset that’s also signed by Series 2 writers Ben Hurst and Pat Allee? Just your luck then, as such a item has hit eBay recently.

Former Fans United for SatAM website owner, Quexinos, is putting up this copy of the DVD boxset, said to be one of only three in the world to exist. The eBay auction includes a certificate of authenticity too, so you know you’re getting the real deal. According to current owner of FUS, RockyRaccoon, the auction’s proceeds are going to “Chief-Aid”; a campaign to help FUS Forum ‘Chief’ out of a financial hotspot. He’s a single father who’s just been laid off, and at this time of the year that’s just cold and brutal.

If you want to help the “Chief-Aid” cause and grab yourself a limited edition SatAM boxset in the process, then head on over to the eBay auction here to place your bid. The current bid is $41 at time of writing, as is the case with these ‘charity’ style things, if you feel like affording a bit more for what you feel the boxset is worth then it could truly change someone’s Christmas for the better. Our wishes go to ‘Chief’!

Autographed SatAM Boxed Set on eBay – SSMB (thanks for the tip, Rocky)

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Fans Attempt Sonic Gaming Marathon

Gaming marathons are all the rage these days – it’s a noble cause, after all, and quite simple to set up. Get a webcam, a donate button, play games, earn money, send money to charity. To my knowledge there hasn’t been a Sonic the Hedgehog marathon set up (we’ve had Mario and the like so far, by different gaming groups), but a small gang called Ocean City Trinity are giving the blue blur a run for his money for the EduCare Foundation. The games will be the main console titles and range from Sonic the Hedgehog to the newly released (in America) Sonic Unleashed, and if you want to watch the fun unfold, it all kicks off on Saturday 22nd November. Head to their website for more details. Good luck guys!

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Yuji Naka Signed Sonic Gear Going Under The Block

Signed Sonic the Hedgehog paraphernalia amongst other video game related treasures are set to be auctioned next Saturday the 17th as part of the upcoming Hollywood Arts Dream Awards.

Straight from the press release:
The Dream Awards will host an auction on eBay with several game industry items including an audio cameo in the upcoming game HALO 3, a Master Chief statue, a tour of the Bungie Studios and signed video game paraphernalia of games such as Guitar Hero 2 and by artists such as Yugi Naki, creator of Sonic the Hedgehog. (I’m sure they meant Yuji Naka, father of Sonic the Hedgehog) Continue reading Yuji Naka Signed Sonic Gear Going Under The Block

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Will Climb Mountain for Signed Sonic Pictures

African mountain-climbing, massive sponsored online auctions… sounds like another SEGA charity event. The European arm of the video games giant recently organised a venture called “TAKIN AGES“, a Kilimanjaro chairty climb in aid of the Entertainment Software Charity (ESC).

Three of SEGA Europe’s partygoing managers – Caroline Searle (Purchasing Manager), Tina Hicks (UK Marketing Manager) and Lynn Daniels (EU PR Manager) – will be making the climb in an effort to raise money for children’s education charities. On 4th October they will be whisked to Tanzania to commence a no doubt rigorous six-day trek through the African mountainside.

In order to aid raise funds for the event, many SEGA auctions were held on eBay featuring exclusive SEGA items – the headlining of which included signed Sonic and Shadow pictures by the ‘ledge’ himself, Yuji Naka. These items were of particular interest, as you’ll no doubt see by the increments in biddings. Continue reading Will Climb Mountain for Signed Sonic Pictures

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