Dreams of an Absolution Star to attend Summer of Sonic

Lee Brotherton, the artist-otherwise-known-as Bentley Jones, the remixer-previously-known-as LeeBro, will be attending the Summer of Sonic convention when it takes place on the 9th August. For those who haven’t really been paying attention to this site or Sonic fans in general, LB is the guy behind the aural delight that is ‘Dreams of an Absolution’, Silver’s theme from the eyesore that is Sonic ’06. And people go crazy for his man chest. They like the song a lot too, but no doubt its his chest they all want.

He will be at the very first Sonic convention throughout the day, chatting to people like an unimportant person and then popping on stage for a Q&A session like an important person. Those who have registered their interest in the Summer of Sonic event can log into the website now and post in the Comments section of the relevant news item, where you can write any burning questions you have for the remixer-cum-popstar.

Due to his recent health problems (as mentioned on TSS a while ago), it’s unknown yet whether he will be up for a performance on stage following the Q&A session. The organisers (read: me and AAUK) are looking into it, but don’t put a line under anything yet. Last thing we want is someone’s voicebox bursting out of their throat or something. Mind you, that’d be a hell of a headline, huh?

Special Guest: Lee Brotherton – Summer of Sonic

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Lee Brotherton out of Hospital, Recovering

Dreams of an Absolution star Lee Brotherton has just come out of hospital following surgery on his back. According to his official blog, the singer says that he discovered a lump which ended up being a tumour – which was rather quickly removed. But even now he’s out and about he won’t sit down – word has it that even though ‘LB’ is taking it slow, he’s still preparing for an assault on the Japanese market (as in breaking into the J-Pop charts, not an actual attack on some fishmonger or anything).

We wish him all the best and a swift recovery. Those who are keeping an eye on his lavish pop persona, Bentley Jones, will find some footage of him recording in bandages on youtube soon. He’s such a trooper, that boy.

Bentley Jones’ Official Website

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New Dreams of an Absolution Remix

We like BentLEE Brotherton-Jones. We’ve spoken to him and everything. He’s not quite high on our list as Richard Jacques, but he’s responsible for some awesome tracks in Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06 so that’s enough for us to stalk him on occasion.

Formerly Lee Brotherton and now going under the pseudonym ‘Bentley Jones’, the Remix Factory starchild is releasing a new solo album, due soon. We’ve been sent a sneaky recording of a brand new remix of fan favourite ‘Dreams of an Absolution’, taken during an Open Studio Day promoting the album.

Listen to it by clicking here

The recording was taken from an insider’s phone while Bentley previewed the track. The album will also include a remix of ‘Open Your Heart’ which you can preview on…. erm… ‘BJ’s website, bentleyjones.com.

We’ll be chatting to good ol’ Bentley soon, so keep an eye on this space for a catch-up about the remixes. Thanks for the tip, ‘Joe Schmoe’!

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