“TSFs” Follow-Up: A Comment Worth A Read

“TSFs” Follow-Up: A Comment Worth A Read

Yo, we had some good talkin’ goin’ on in the editorial on the “true Sonic fan,” but one comment was so good, that I had to point it out and share it with another post.  No surprise here, as it’s by TSS’ founder, Svend Joscelyne (Dreadknux).

@Umiyuri – “I actually feel like the one person in the fandom who doesn’t deserve to be there because I can never find any reason to say I hate a Sonic game, when all the obviously proper ones such as Svend and you can’t ever seem to find anything you like.”

Cough. Can I ask you to read my reviews on TSS? My review of Sonic Unleashed has been praised as the most balanced review online. And I’m consistently making balanced reviews like this, since the site’s opening in 2000. I don’t like how people seem to think we’re always negative about the series when we have a pedigree of being the most fair and positive.

By the way, a Black Knight review is on the way.  I can’t promise the best, but I can assure that it will be worth a read.  Svendy writes some good shit.  Anyway, as Svend speaks some more, he talks about the misconceptions of people about Sonic Stadium’s direction in this more personal blog system.  If your name is “Edge,” it’s probably relevant to your interests:

You guys honestly think Brad and I keep ‘harping on’ about games’ faults in our posts because we’re being serious? Heck no. We’re just having a laugh. We can write sniping comments about Silver’s stupid head till the cows come home, but that doesn’t mean to say we actually hate the character. You guys have just got to lighten up.

(This isn’t a dig at you, Umiyuri – you’re actually OK, but) I wonder if all the people who take pot shots at TSS actually have any reading comprehension over the age of 12?

The point of the article – and something Brad quite expertly pointed out in his last comment – that there is no such thing as a ‘true Sonic fan’. As others have posted in this comments thread, every Sonic fan out there is going to have a like or dislike that differs to one another. I like Sonic Spinball, but I know people like Brad will likely kick my arse for it. But that’s OK, because that doesn’t make me any more or less a ‘true Sonic fan’ than him or you or Bob up the road. :)

Side comment: the music in “Toxic Caves” is the jam.  I will only play Spinball through that level for the song alone.  Otherwise, yeah, he’s right.  I hate on that game pretty hard, but we’re still friends (despite never meeting in real life).

The people who call themselves ‘True Sonic Fans’ or similar are in fact closer to non-fans than any of us, because they exist to force you or others into thinking that “you must like all new Sonic games irrespective of actual quality” or “you must hate all new Sonic games irrespective of actual quality”. And as I stated before, that claim cannot be levelled at TSS because we’re funny with it, not serious.

I never thought that we’d have to “clear the air” with this format, but I guess we’re in the Sonic community after all.  I got tired of firing back at the reactive members (mostly the TSFs) of the community through stories a while back and it has been much more enjoyable.  Take my advice on that one and let’s start to have some fun here.  Pretend that it is Summer of Sonic and everybody’s nice to each other.

Back to partying, O.K.?  Who likes “Kool & the Gang?”

Oh, and since we’re all about misconceptions here.  “Slingerland’s Corner?”  A character (and not an original one at that).

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Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. Slingerland’s Corner’s totally a Video Game Nerd ripoff. You copycat! ;D

    Anyway, good follow-up! I know the regular readers of TSS and members of SSMB are some of the best Sonic fans in the world, and everyone here has a mixture of likes and dislikes. That’s what makes the Sonic fandom great – the fact that we’re not robots. 🙂 When people have a go at TSS for not having the same opinion as them on a game/item, that’s the same as a classic fanboy hating on a modern Sonic game just because it doesn’t have some tiny little detail they wanted. And the two rants are the same in that they’re completely pointless. 😛

  2. Hey, TSS, I just want to thank you for writing all of these game reviews for us. I come on this site almost, well heck, every day to check out Sonic-related news. It must be pretty hard to run a site, so I just wanna thank all of you for all the hard work that you do to keep this site up and running. This isn’t sucking up, but rather, giving credit where it’s due. I just wanna let you know that there are people out in this fandom who really appreciate what you guys do to make this site great. 🙂 Thanks, TSS!

  3. Once again, I’m sorry. Hope we’re still on good terms with each other. *hopeful smile*

  4. Great and now we all are friends and we should start wathing for the next (great) sonic game
    ahh and thanks for showing some guys that we ALL like sonic.
    if not we wouldnt watch this site

  5. I like to think that I’m the only ‘real’ fan in the Sonic community. I don’t care about anyone else’s opinions, certainly not enough to ever make a large (or even small) rant about it, I don’t blindly love the games but don’t hate them for no reason, and the reason I original came to the Sonic Stadium was to talk with other Sonic fans.

    But I can’t, because everyone is so heavily over-opinionated (redundancy!) that it’s impossible to make any sort of conversation without it turning into a flamewar.

    I’m sure there are others like me, but I haven’t met them. :\

  6. @Zenith: “I’m sure there are others like me, but I haven’t met them. :\”

    There are plenty of them Zenith, me included. However, like yourself they don’t engage in the conversations about new games because their opinions are ridiculed even when they have not victimised anybody. Fans defending games and game publishers needs to stop. The companies don’t need us to fight their wars, they just need us to play their games. I’m sure someone appreciates the fan support but it certainly isn’t the people trying to make it rich.

    If you don’t like it, don’t play it. If you like it, play it. But if you don’t like it and you defend it because you feel you’ve wasted your money but need some sort satisfaction by taking it out on other members of the community then you can bugger off as far as I’m concerned. These are the people I want to avoid, hence why I hardly every participate in community discussion.

  7. I agree and hope to make some friends when i am in London on Summer of Sonic:)

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