SEGA Promises ‘New Sonic Content’ in License Global Magazine

If you’re worried about what’s next for Sonic now that Team Sonic Racing has hit store shelves, take heart! License Global’s digital magazine for this month has a page dedicated to the blue blur, and in it you’ll find that there is indeed new Sonic content in development, as well as some new artwork!

New Content for Sonic's 30th Anniversary

On page 13 of their e-newsletter, License Global is advertising the Sonic brand for potential licensing partnerships. There’s nothing quite as effective in enticing potential investors like bragging about how great you’re doing and what you have in store for the future!

Alongside a nice, shiny new render of Sonic, you’ll see that SEGA is quite proud of their speedy mascot, sharing good news regarding the growth of the brand, the fan community, the upcoming film and the overwhelmingly positive reception of Sonic Mania Plus!

But what’s most exciting is the promise that new content is development, and the detail that Sonic’s 30th Anniversary is coming up. It’s not uncommon for Sonic to celebrate his continued existence every milestone, so it’s likely that something big could be in store for 2021.

You can check out License Global’s e-newsletter here. As always, you can count on us to keep our finger on the pulse for the latest. What do you think this new content could be? Let us know what you’d like to see next from Sonic in the comments!

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  1. The pose here is giving me very 06/Generations like vibes. Obviously that has little bearing on whatever the upcoming title would be but for a new render it’s pretty nice.

  2. I feel so old knowing sonics reaching 30!
    it’s been the only series I’ve actually followed and stuck with since it begun.

  3. Beyond Team Sonic Racing there is only Mario & Sonic Tokyo Olympic Games, I seriously doubt that Sonic Team is working on a movie tie-in game judging by their response to the Sonic movie news so they will probably save the next main Sonic game for the 30th anniversary, it’s going to be something big and hopefully will be the long awaited Sonic Adventure 3.

  4. I remember when I was 8 years old and got my first Sega Genesis that came with sonic. I owned that game to hell and back, good times.

  5. I’m having a feeling the upcoming mainline Sonic game will be released in 2021.

  6. Maybe it will be my 3D cell shaded Sonic CD cartoon styled with cool pixar-like story
    dream come true Sonic game that I would love and half the fandom would hate (lol). But probably its just more of the same. Let’s hope its not rise of the fanfics part 2.

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