Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games E3 Screenshots, releases in 2016


Nintendo’s E3 2015 Digital Event has come and gone, and while Rio 2016 had no presence in it, Nintendo opened an E3 2015 press site (as they do every year) and put up new screenshots and a fact sheet of the game, and as GameFly noted earlier, Nintendo is officially confirmed to be the publisher in at least NA, and surprisingly, the game is actually due next year in 2016 claims the fact sheet, presumably for both versions (it just says 2016 with no version specified).

See the new screens of Wii U version and a couple from the 3DS version below:

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  1. Just thought I’d put this here.
    At around the 48-50 second mark, if you pause the video you can see Sicks the Badger using a bow and arrow for the archery event. Is she a new playable character for Rio 2016? Odd considering she is a Boom character and SEGA said they didn’t want to cross contaminate the SEGA Sonic and Boom franchises.

      1. Thing is Yoshi and Donkey Kong both originated from the core Mario series (actually in DK’s case, his grandpa Cranky Kong gave Mario his big break in the original Donkey Kong, so it’s the other way around).

        Sticks is from a tv series spin-off. Unless she gotten really popular in Japan, I don’t see why she’s in here. Maybe at the time SEGA was still pushing Boom, so there’s that.

  2. The Trailer was the EXACT same footage form the Min-Direct! The only thing different was Sticks doing archery! Why would Nintendo let me down like that? LOL I was SOOOO looking forward to a CG trailer at E3!

  3. I like Sonic’s modern Model more than say Heroes – 06. It’s not my favorite but it gets the job done from most angles. But is it just me or does Sonic look really badass in this cover photo? It’s more extreme and flexible than I expect from his current model. His facial expression, his hair. And to be honest all the characters look a lot cooler than usual in this pic. o.o

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