Sonic 4: Episode 2 Xbox Live Avatar Awards Revealed

Fans of cosplay and Xbox Live Avatars will be happy to hear that Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 will include unlockable Avatar Awards. While Episode 1 allowed you to unlock parts of a Sonic the Hedgehog costume, Episode 2 will challenge fans to unlock a costume based on his nemesis Dr.Eggman.

Check out the rest of the costume in both male and female variants and the requirements to unlock them after the jump.

Dr. Eggman Modern Costume (Body)
Defeat the last boss without taking damage.

Dr. Eggman Modern Costume (Legs)
Defeat the “Sylvania Castle Zone” boss without taking damage.

Source: Xbox Hounds

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    1. This is a lot better than the Sonic Generations avatar costume you could unlock. I personally think there needs to be a different characters avatar costume for a change, e.g. knuckles or tails

  1. *hops on my pirate ship*

    be right back, gonna do that free games exploit for Sonic 4 for the costumes

  2. Hell yes! I’m wearing my Eggman Shades from SSR with this.

    Hmm, the female legs are posed in a way that reminds me of Rouge.

  3. I already have this from Generations. So does this mean this game the game should be out pretty soon?

  4. I’m already wearing the Robotnik one now. Guess I’ll be changing when this game comes out! I hope those bosses aren’t hard. I still don’t have “Untouchable” 🙁

  5. Wait, so it says modern Eggman costume. So does that mean theres gonna be a classic Eggman in game too?

  6. My body is ready. But that Body Costume better not be hard to unlock please :V

    This will look wonderful in my female Avatar ^w^

  7. Am I the only one who’s a bit confused by the purposeful addition of “Modern” to the title of the costume? Since this is obviously not Generations, could this be a hint that Classic Robotnik will be returning again? O_o

      1. Unlikely perhaps, but if you really want to get into continuity, TECHNICALLY Eggman both modern and classic were trapped somewhere in a time rift before the events of this game. So it is possible that they both escaped in the same time period which would leave classic Sonic completely out of the loop.

        1. The reason it’s unlikely has nothing to do with the series canon. If Sonic Team wanted, they could have Classic Sonic, Blaze and Silver all get thrown into different dimensions at the end of every game, then, by way of some outlandish plot device, they could get sent into Sonic’s dimension at the beginning of each game. Problem is, that would be stupid, and nobody would write the games that way.

          The Classic Sonic character is loved by many, but SEGA has stated that he was more or less a one-off. Sonic 4 isn’t about timelines colliding, and the game actually takes place before other games that used Sonic’s original design anyway. Since this game was obviously created without the concept of the different designs being different Sonics from different times in his life, there’s no reason to assume that there will be a Classic Eggman/Modern Eggman angle thrown in. It would kinda take away from Metal Sonic’s inclusion anyway. It would be like having a big teaser about Gamma coming back, and then throwing Mephiles in out of nowhere to steal Gamma’s thunder.

  8. Playstation Home needs more Sonic stuff! A Sonic hat (kinda like the cosplay cap) would be nice to compliment the Sonic adventure shirt and Sonic speed shoes you get from playing Sonic Adventure.

  9. Dr. Eggman Modern Costume (Legs)
    Defeat the “Sylvania Castle Zone” boss without taking damage.

    No Problem! Peice of Cake! 😀

    Dr. Eggman Modern Costume (Body)
    Defeat the last boss without taking damage.

    FUCK! NOT AGAIN! >:( With any luck the final boss wont be as hard as Episode I was… It took me forever to get that untouchable achievement! >__>

  10. loving the difference between genders,(joke)DR.Eggman got some legs for his age
    i cant wait to defeat the final boss without taking damage and clear Sylvania Castle Zone boss without taking damage! STH4EP2 here i come!

  11. So, this is why there was no Modern Eggman award for Generations.

    It all makes sense…


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