Sonic Generations 3DS US Release Date Revealed, EU Date Re-affirmed

SEGA Europe and SEGA of America have finally announced release dates for the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations. The portable edition of the game will hit Europe November 25th as previously revealed by SEGA Germany, while the US gets it three days earlier on November 22nd. A date for Australia is yet to be revealed.

Source: SEGA Blog

Thanks to SonicSilverSS in our comments section for the heads up!

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  1. Okay so when are we gonna see more stages for this game? Even if I don’t care for this version I still want to see what levels made the cut.

    1. My hunch says the two that are yet to be announced will be from the Rush games, or one from a Rush title and one from Colours.

  2. You’re welcome for the heads up!

    So excited! I’m getting both versions, so woo!
    I can honestly say, out of al the Sonic games to come out over the past years, this is the one that’s getting me the most excited/hyped.

  3. Glad I’m not the only one who thinks this looks good. I love the way Modern Sonic weaves in and out of the screen, and despite what everyone is saying, the levels look varied with multiple paths. I’m looking forward to both versions!

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