Project Needlemouse Challenge #3 NOW LIVE

Project Needlemouse Challenge #3 NOW LIVE

Third Project Needlemouse Challenge is now LIVE at the Official Sonic board over at SEGA forums.

From RubyEclipse of SEGA of America at the forum –

Hi everyone,

For those of you new around here, welcome to the SEGA/Sonic forums! Today’s part of the Needlemouse Challenge will be taking place here – to enter, just post on this thread with the correct responses!

Here are today’s questions:

How many acts were in each zone of Sonic 1?
What was the first game to feature Super Sonic?
The original Sonic the Hedgehog featured special stages with morphing backgrounds – can you name two of the animals seen in that background?

You guys have 20 hours to achieve the 750 needed to knock off additional characters from the roster tomorrow, or 1,000 for the bonus point!

Good luck everyone!

SEGA of America blog reveals Vector and Tikal are todays cuts from the character list.
With over 900 correct answers to yesterdays challenge the bonus point was achieved, just one more this week and we get the special surprise on Friday aswell as the full list of characters appearing in the game.

RubyEclipse has noted the following –
The bonus points count towards a little something special related to Project Needlemouse that we’ll reveal if you guys earn enough.

The bonus point reward is not related to characters, and though I don’t want to hype it up too much for sake of people complaining, I think it’s pretty cool personally.

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  1. No sweat.. as long as we dont have to sign up to the website..

    Steve Lycett just de-confirmed my post.

  2. Hey, uh, I just noticed something: come Friday, there’s gonna be THREE left on the list!

    Think about it: the list was made Monday with eleven names, of which we can safely assume that Sonic would be the only one left.

    The first two, Charmy & Chip, were eliminated yesterday, leaving 9 names.

    Two more, Vector & Tikal, were eliminated today, leaving 7 left.

    Two more will, more than likely, be eliminated tommorow, leaving 5 left.

    Then, possibly, at least two more on Friday, leaving 3 total!

    So, if that is the case, then wouldn’t that mean that the remaining two alongside Sonic will be playable, or will SEGA just cut everyone’s names but Sonic’s off the list on Friday?

  3. Why have all the questions been about Sonic 1 and 2? They should seperate the true fans and ask questions about Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic Labyrinth, Tails Sky Patrol, Sonic Shuffle, Sonic Chronicles etc.

  4. 5 characters left with 2 days remaining…

    This means that Sonic’ll be the last one standing on Friday – SEGA’s becoming so predictable…

    And the game is vapourware.

  5. “Why have all the questions been about Sonic 1 and 2? They should seperate the true fans and ask questions about Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic Labyrinth, Tails Sky Patrol, Sonic Shuffle, Sonic Chronicles etc.”

    I don’t think the sonic fandom has more than 1000 people (for the bonus points) who can answer hard questions correctly…

    It doesn’t seem this “game” is about quality, this is about quantity

  6. So if enough people don’t answer the questions right, we get stuck with more characters, is that the deal?

    I don’t really understand what this is all about, but it’s quite amusing the way they’re playing with our heads.

  7. @ Extaticus
    No, tomorrow will be the last challenge. If they continue removing 2 a day there will be 3 left.

    If enough people don’t answer correctly they won’t knock characters off the list and if enough people don’t answer correctly to meet the higher total then we don’t get a bonus point towards the special surprise about the game they have lined up for Friday.

  8. I have a very strong feeling Sonic, Amy and Needlemouse will be the only ones left.

    Shadow and Big have a very small chance, but it’s doubtful at this point.

  9. Well, if Sonic, Amy, and Mr. Needlemouse (possible name until the true name is revealed) are the final three, then maybe Sonic will have Amy with him on his adventure, whether he likes it or not!

  10. Wow, Sega is REALLY teasing the hell out of the fanbase right now..
    I’d laugh hard if ‘Sonics new friend Mr. Needlemouse’ was the last name on the list..

  11. Sonic and froggy ftw lol. I hope they’re joking about mr. needlemouse, do we really need another new character?

  12. “Why have all the questions been about Sonic 1 and 2? They should seperate the true fans and ask questions about Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic Labyrinth, Tails Sky Patrol, Sonic Shuffle, Sonic Chronicles etc.”

    Instead of making the questions harder why don’t the true fans respond with more complex answers. For example, question 1, “How many acts were in each zone of Sonic 1?”

    I responded “3 zones per act. Scrap Brain being the only level without a boss act, instead after the third act the final boss is activated. This brings the total number of levels to 7, with a total of 19 acts.”

    Take what they give you and show off your real knowinger.

  13. someone uploaded gay porn on the forum where the challenge is being held… pretty sad people can sink that low -__-‘

  14. I predict the next rejectment will be Shade and Needlemouse!

    …Hey, if they’re going for the old stuff, let ’em do it.

  15. How many acts were in each zone of Sonic 1?

    What was the first game to feature Super Sonic?
    Sonic 2

    The original Sonic the Hedgehog featured special stages with morphing backgrounds – can you name two of the animals seen in that background?
    Bird and a fish.

  16. I can tell you the Characters appearing in “Needlemouse”… Sonic… that’s it.

    oh,yeah…. also Dreadnux the Echidna!!!

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