Tangle & Fang Plushies Incoming from Great Eastern Entertainment

The past few years have been something of a golden age for Sonic plushies, with increasingly obscure characters finally getting their own stuffed toys thanks to Great Eastern Entertainment. That trend continues with GEE’s latest plushies: Tangle the Lemur and Fang the Sniper.

Tangle was revealed by GEE on their Twitter just a few moments ago, and is available now on their website for $23.99. The plush is 10 inches tall, and I must say, it looks pretty good:

Tangle is the second IDW character to get a plush, after GEE released Whisper last year. Unfortunately, Whisper is currently sold out on their website, but she will be getting a restock in Q1 2022.

In addition to Tangle, Fang the Sniper also appears to be getting his own plush. Though not officially announced as of this writing, the plush was leaked via Ali Express and confirmed by Sonic Merch News.

Because this is a leak, this is technically a rumor. But GEE itself has more or less confirmed that the leak is real.

Below, we have the tweet from Sonic Merch News, as well as the images from the leak:

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. Awwww hellls yeaaaah!

    I mean I already have the nicer looking Nack from the Fighters, and this is lacking a lot of detail, but ANY recognition is good for my fav character!
    Hopefully this means his use again in the series somewhere ? :O

  2. I hope they make plush versions of Rough, Tumble, Belle, Dr. Starline, Surge, Kitsunami, and Mimic.

  3. Ali Express is a Chinese wholesale site that can sell unlicensed things, so I don’t know if Fang is actually legit or not. I really hope GE will make him though and that this is in fact legit!

    1. Retailers vary. geemerch.com is the most direct way (though their website isn’t working for me at the moment). GE often sells to entertainment/movie and anime shops, Amazon and Walmart resellers, and Entertainment Earth tends to stock stuff from them.

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