Mediatonic announced today that a special Knuckles outfit for its manic multiplayer game Fall Guys will be made available for a limited time, ahead of the punchy echidna’s movie debut next year.

Adorably-dubbed ‘Chonky Knuckles’, this is the second character from the Sonic series that has featured in the form of an unlockable outfit. Players can obtain the Knuckles costume in two parts, starting November 12, with both the top and bottom parts costing 11,000 kudos. Better get saving!
A Sonic the Hedgehog costume set was made available for a limited time last October, and Mediatonic has hinted that more ‘Sonic shenanigans’ is due to come in the future. Looks like the developer skipped right over Tails, so we’re hoping he may make an appearance soon enough.
Thanks to Josiahblaze for the tip!