We already saw this coming, but we now have official footage of Sonic and Tails in Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania, celebrating both Monkey Ball’s 20th anniversary and Sonic’s 30th!
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania is a celebration of some of that series’ most beloved entries, but that doesn’t mean Sonic the Hedgehog can’t join the party! Alongside Tails, both heroes are going to be included in the game at launch, no paid DLC required. This also isn’t the first time Sonic’s been playable in a Super Monkey Ball game, as he was featured in Banana Blitz HD prior; however this will be Tails’ first appearance!

This is part of a larger initiative by SEGA to celebrate Sonic’s 30th Anniversary. Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania will be releasing on October 5th, 2021. For more news on Sonic’s 30th Anniversary, and Sonic the Hedgehog in general, you’re already in the right place!
via YouTube
Wow, Classic Sonic and Classic Tails in Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania? I like Classic Sonic and Classic Tails who are in their classic Japanese designs. Also, nice use of the Sonic CD title screen Japanese soundtrack in the trailer for the Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania trailer with Classic Sonic and Classic Tails. Much appreciated.
Now we just need classic Amy and knuckles Sega.
Thats nice. I would honestly be more excited if they added Billy Hatcher in though.
According to Geoff Keighley, the latest guest character will be someone “we don’t believe” to be in this game.
Whether it’s a Sega character or not It probably be someone(something?) outlandish for sure, given Sega’s history of adding some ‘way out there’ guest characters in their past games. I would chuckle (but not be impressed) if it is Geoff Keighley himself, or maybe even Hideo Kojima if this tweet is anything to go by seriously (https://twitter.com/geoffkeighley/status/1429522734883622913).
Its Persona 5’s Morgana. Meh, not impressed or surprised but I’m glad for the Persona and Morgana fans.
Okay….Morgana was not a surprise, same thing with Hello Kitty but if Keighley and/or Sega had shown Monster Rancher’s Suezo earlier at Gamescom instead of the Persona character then that would have atleast rised my eyebrows.
I know almost nothing about Monster Racnher, other then it being one of the earliest, more successful Pokemon “inspired” IPs, but I guess this is somewhat inline with a Sega game having “way out there” guests (atleast here in the west since MR is pretty well-known in Japan).
Also, the price for these DLCs are a little too much, doesn’t help if their gameplay is the same as the main characters’…