Sonic 2 Movie Spoilers: We Have Our First Spoken Dialogue From the Hawaii Shoot (UPDATE)

SPOILER WARNING: Don’t read if you don’t want to be spoiled, you have been warned!

In new footage just leaked over Twitter, we have what is definitely a spoiler for the Sonic 2 movie: Sonic crashing Tom and Maddie’s Hawaii honeymoon, with what appears to be Tails and bad weather in tow. Well, specifically, he appears to be talking to Tails over some sort of radio. If I had to guess, this is from the start of the movie’s third act, and the point at which Tom and Maddie re-enter the plot.

It’s hard to make out exactly what is being said, but it seems that Sonic is “in trouble” with Tom (presumably something to do with the snow), Sonic is explaining that Robotnik is back, and as we said earlier, is talking to Tails over a radio.

We’ll work on getting our own recording in case this tweet gets deleted, but for now, here it is:

UPDATE: It appears the video was removed by Paramount. So it seems we’ve reached the limit of what media they’ll let float around! Of course, content like this is difficult to scrub from the internet (even we grabbed it, though we’re not posting it right now), so it’s probably still possible to find if you dig around for it.

We might attempt to update this post with a transcription, but for now we’ve at least got a screenshot from the video. It shows Tom and Maddie stumbling through the snow, right before Tom yells at Sonic and Sonic delivers his info dump:

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


    1. You did hear it, it’s deffo there! It’s about 26-33 seconds into it very faintly someone says Magic Emerald.
      This film is gonna open up the Sonic Sandbox baby. Also are those bodyguards packing heat????

  1. Obviously James Marsden’s best line is when he first sees Tails and says “Oh god, there’s two of them.” in reference to his 2 tails.

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