SEGA Shows Off a New Sonic Colors Music Remix, and Tails is Getting New Dialogue

The Sonic Colors content just keeps on coming! Earlier today, SEGA released the new remix for Aquarium Park Act 1’s soundtrack. The remix was done by Tomoya Ohtani, who also worked on music for the original Sonic Colors. Check it out below:

Some new footage from Sonic Colors Ultimate also appears to reveal something else: new dialogue for Tails. Tails appears to talk at times throughout the game, such as at 0:49 into the below video. Take a look:

Special thanks to Bulbasquirtle over on our Discord for the news tip!

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. A lot of people think that’s new Tails dialogue, but after some discussions with a few friends, it could simply be that it’s the Navigator feature from the original, and no-one realises because everyone turned the Navigator off 🙂

    1. Okay, I know that this is a joke, but I know for a fact people are going to take this seriously so I’m going to butt in here before people reply in anger. I can confirm, as someone who played the game quite religiously when it came out, that this dialogue is, indeed, new. It was not there in the original release of the game. All Navigator mode did in the original game is show the hint rings and the warning signs… That being said; I do hope that the dialogue can be turned off…

    2. No dude, it’s too easy to miss, and plus, it’s not too far fetched that they give this remaster new dialogue

  2. Anyone know if you’ll be able to choose between the original soundtrack and these dreadful remixes?

  3. While I’m fine with the music getting remixes, I hope there’ll ba an option to use the original soundtrack. The Sweet Mountain remixes don’t have the same energy as the original.

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