Sonic Game Speedruns Are Back For Summer Games Done Quick 2021 Online

For the second year in a row, Summer Games Done Quick is going to be an online-only event. But, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t going to be any speed-runs. And for Sonic fans, you’ll be able to see some speed-runs of 5 different Sonic games this year.

This year’s SGDQ isn’t going to feature speed-runs of Sonic 1, Sonic 2, and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. In fact, 3D Sonic is getting most of the spotlight this year. And, although there is a block of Sonic games that may remind you previous years, one run isn’t scheduled to be included in that block.

The SGDQ 2021 Sonic block, just like last year, is going to begin around halfway into the event. This year, it is on the morning of July 8th. On the east coast of the US, it is scheduled to start around 11:37am. That is 4:37pm in the UK. The first run is an hour long run of the Nintendo DS version of Sonic Colors, where speedbreaker55 is going to get all of the game’s red rings.

After that is Sonic 3D Blast. This will be the version that had been available on the Wii’s Virtual Console. In this 35-minute run, TGH and AmberCyprian are both going to be playing the same game, but they must beat it with only one controller. Next up is the original version of Sonic CD, played by JoeyBaby69. This 25-minute run’s only goal is to beat the game.

A run of the PC version of Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, played by Dage4, ends the block. It’s scheduled to go for 40 minutes, but the objective isn’t decided yet. That’s because there’s going to be a bid war between the Hero and Dark stories, with the one that receives the most in donations being the story that’ll be chosen for the run.

Although the Sonic block ends there, one more Sonic game is still scheduled to be played. A day later, on July 9th, Malleo is going to be doing a 40-minute long tool-assisted speed-run of Team Sonic’s story in the Gamecube version of Sonic Heroes, the only Sonic game returning from last year. It’s occurring at 4:44pm that day if you’re on the east coast of the US, and 9:44pm if you live in the UK.

All total, the schedule includes around 3 and a half hours of Sonic games. That said, don’t expect these run lengths to go exactly as scheduled. Things can come up, including during the event itself, so times are subject to change. Nevertheless, Summer Games Done Quick 2021 Online takes place from July 4th to 11th.

Via Official GDQ Website

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SSF1991 has been in the Sonic community since 2008, and a gaming news reporter since 2010, with an unhealthy obsession with pinball, especially Sonic Spinball. Oh, and he tweets at


  1. Ooh! I’m interested in that Colors DS run! The 3D Blast one could be neat too, but I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be a challenge run with them both using the same controller, or a race of sorts.

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