SEGA Celebrates 60 Years With 60 Days of Discounts, Free Games, Competitions, and More!

SEGA’s 60 years old this year, in case you weren’t aware! SEGA’s been celebrating this with all sorts stuff, including their current Steam sale and Sonic 2 giveaway. But they aren’t stopping there: starting today, SEGA is running a 60 day long celebration. During this celebration, they will be:

  • Releasing four free retro-inspired mini games.
  • Discounting more of their games.
  • Running giveaways and Competitions
  • Putting out exclusive interviews

And “more” according to their tweet announcing this whole thing. As of today, SEGA is giving away free Steam copies of the Sonic Team classic NiGHTS into Dreams to anyone that signs up at their 60th anniversary website, here.

The website will provide free wallpapers, avatars and early notification of prize giveaways to anyone who signs up. If you want the free NiGHTS code, don’t dawdle, because they will only be provided for ”as long as codes last.”

The four free mini games, which will only be available for a limited time, include a prototype for a proposed new Golden Axe game made by the now-shuttered SEGA Australia, a Yakuza/Streets of Rage mash-up, a Fantasy Zone-inspired Endless Space game, and a retro tank battle take on SEGA’s Company of Heroes franchise. Click the links I embedded in each to go to their Steam pages. These games will be released daily starting October 15 and will only be available until October 19, 10 AM PST. So, again, if you want these don’t wait.

SEGA will surely be doing lots of Sonic and Sonic Team related things during this, so stay tuned for all that!

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. Quite a shame those games are only available for a limited time. Good thing they are free.

    Regarding that Golden Axe game, it is pretty nice to see cancelled titles (or at least a portion of it in this case) see the light of day, and by the official publisher as well. There’s so many cancelled games across the gaming history we never get to see…

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