TSS Interview: Winner of the Sonic Movie Xbox One X, Warner Loredo

As you might recall, earlier this month, Microsoft was giving away a Sonic movie-themed Xbox One X on their Twitter page. Well, on April 24th, the winner came forward. Warner Loredo, a Sonic fan by the Twitter handle Professor Crafter won the illustrious prize, and rather than resell it for a high price, he’s using it for it’s intended purpose and playing games on it. I got a hold of Warner and asked him a few questions.

Can you introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about you?

Hiya! I’m Warner Loredo but most people here know me as my online persona Crafter Entertainment. I make videos on YouTube, working on a cartoon of my own, and love Sonic, even have my own AU I’m writing called Sonic Seasons.

How surprised were you that you won the Sonic movie Xbox One?

When I first found out I honestly couldn’t believe it. Like out of all these people somehow I won. I was just flabbergasted. As a big Sonic fan, I’ve never won anything to this degree before so it was definitely one of the coolest times in my life, and I’ll never forget it.

I see you decided to open it up and play the console instead of selling it on eBay. Did you ever consider selling it?

I considered maybe selling it and getting a PC as I am really in need of one at the moment. However, I decided to not as this is a piece of Sonic merch that like, virtually almost no one has, and that’s just too special to me to ever pass up and sell.

Did you make an unboxing video or just show off the system in pictures?

I made an unboxing video and I’ll be uploading it very soon to my channel, Crafter Entertainment! You can see me freaking out in it haha. So far I’ve just taken a few pictures, but I do have a video showcasing me just opening the box for the first time!

What was the first game you played on the system?

The first game I actually played on the system was Banjo-Kazooie! I haven’t played those games since I was a kid so getting that nostalgia brought back to me was really nice!

What Sonic game do you plan on purchasing/playing next?

As far as what Sonic games I am playing on the console, definitely Generations and Unleashed. The Xbox One X enhances Unleashed and Gens to look sharper and run with a super steady frame rate* so best believe I’m gonna be playing that a lot, haha.

Thank you for your time.

* = While the Xbox One X does bring Sonic Generations resolution up to 4K, it does not enhance Sonic Unleashed at all.

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  1. Congrats on that Sonic system…It looks sick..My husband And myself Are sonic Fans as well..so bought a xbox one and have 3 sonic games..sonic Mania plus ..Sonic racing..And Just orderd sonic Forces ..I cant wait to recive and play it….I will buy all sonic games… and keep the little blue guy going..Thanks for all sonic games they rock

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