Sonic Went Super in Early Movie Drafts, Director Confirms

Movies will often go through significant changes during production, with scripts typically going through drastic changes before the final direction is eventually settled upon. So it should come as no surprise that the Sonic movie went through some changes beyond its infamous redesign and the unused lizard villain leaked a few weeks ago. At one point, the movie was actually set to feature chaos emeralds and Super Sonic.

In an interview with, Sonic movie director Jeffrey Fowler confirmed that Super Sonic and the chaos emeralds were considered, but ultimately cut for the sake of simplicity.

“It didn’t make sense to obviously bring in the Super Sonic thing just yet. I mean, there were very early versions of the script and the outlines where… because we knew that’s something that’s very important in the fan mythology, or the mythology that fans love. And Chaos Emeralds are definitely a huge part, even going back to the first game in ’91, and it was definitely something that we were kind of trying to see. Like, ‘Does it make sense to include one of these?’”

Ultimately, Fowler wanted to focus the movie on Sonic and Robotnik’s origins.

“But again, just going back to what I said about the simplicity of it and just for the sake of just really starting from the simplest version and not trying to do too much, it just felt like, ‘Let’s just… let’s do the origins as Sonic and Robotnik and try to nail those characters before we potentially would open it up to some of these elements from the games that fans know and love.’”

These comments appear to raise the likelihood of either or both the Chaos Emeralds and Super Sonic appearing in a sequel. Now that we know that Super Sonic was at one point slated for this movie, that leaves one very important question:

What did Super Sonic look like when movie Sonic still had more human proportions and freaky teeth? Will we ever find out? Do we even want to know?


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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. Just to throw it out there. I wouldn’t mind if they say that Sonic’s sparking mega-speed-mode in the first film was because he has a Chaos Emerald (the blue one?) absorbed within. It’ll give another reason for Robotnik to hunt him, as well as to slow him down after having it extracted (Unleashed flashbacks…). That’ll give a bit more of a level playing field with the bad guys in the future. Cue the montage of him training to get faster in base form. Uhoh. I think I just wrote fan-fiction.

  2. True, no point on bringing the famous super form that early. When the crew adds the chaos emeralds in the sequel or a third movie then do it.

    Not gonna lie though, I would have liked to see the original design’s super form purely for the laughs.

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