Sonic Movie Projected to Open at over $40 Million in the US

The Sonic movie could be on track to make at least a modest profit, if this latest box office opening forecast is accurate.

Sonic the Hedgehog

According to various news outlets, including Dateline and Forbes, the Sonic movie is currently on track to make between $41-47 million in the United States, amounting to roughly half of it’s reported initial budget of $90 million. Although movie opening forecasts aren’t always accurate, if this pans out it would likely put the Sonic movie on track to make anywhere between $96-108 million in the US alone.

Provided it doesn’t completely bomb domestically, this would likely put the Sonic movie on track to make a profit. It should be noted, however, that movie companies don’t get all of the money from reported box office profits, and the $90 million budget likely doesn’t account for advertising, or the redesign.

The movie has been the subject of positive buzz for months, ever since a trailer debuted the news design back in November. According to Deadline, the trailer on Google received the highest like to dislike ratio of any studio trailer released in the last three years, as well as YouTube viewership levels on part with the Detective Pikachu trailer.

Paramount’s Sonic the Hedgehog movie will be released in the Americas and Europe on February 14. For in-depth information, be sure to check our sources.

via Deadline & Forbes

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


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