Jon Burton continues his uploads of tracks from the Sonic 3D demo music casette with “Green Alley” Zone Act 1!
Burton, an ex-employee of Traveller’s Tales, has already released a number of tracks from the demo cassette in his posession, and has been slowly uploading these to his Youtube channel, including an unused track that then went on to be used in Sonic Adventure.
The most recent installment comes from the very first stage of the game, with a twist! It appears as though before Green Grove Zone got it’s awesomely alliterative name, it was originally going to be named Green Alley Zone (we definitely prefer the former!)
As with the unused track which went on to be used in Twinkle Park, this track also made it’s way into Sonic Adventure, as “The Air…for Windy Valley”.
The song sounds markedly different to the tracks that made it into both 16- and 128-bit games, with the melody using a “saloon piano” effect.
We hope to hear more fascinating tracks from this cassette soon!
I think this song and what it became are possibly my favorites of the entire series
Just marvellous