TSS @ SDCC: Interview with Jennifer Hernandez

We caught caught up with IDW Publishing Sonic the Hedgehog comic artist Jennifer Hernandez at San Diego Comic Con 2019 to get the lowdown all things Sonical and comical!

Along with a convention exclusive advanced copy of Tangle and Whisper #1 (which you can read the review here), three members of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic team were also present at the convention for a signing session.

Newcomer cover artist Abigail Starling joined TSR One shot writer Caleb Goeliner and Sonic artist Jennifer Hernandez at two signing sessions during the event.

The team were signing some of the most recent issues of the comic, and I was lucky enough to snag the last Sonic #1 blank cover they had at the booth – Jennifer was even kind enough to draw Sonic on the cover, while Abigail did a pencil sketch of Tangle on the backboard (you can check out the cover below!).

I got to catch up with Hernandez (who you can follow via her Twitter account if you want to check out some of her great art) and had an opportunity to ask about her career progression from fan to professional artist working on the official Sonic the Hedgehog comic:

The Sonic Stadium: Hi Jennifer! Thank you for taking the time to speak to us today. First off – how did you break into the field of Sonic the Hedgehog comics?

Jennifer Hernandez: I met some of the comic staff while we were still working on the Archie Sonic the Comic editors. I had the opportunity to show them some of my artwork, and after sending some samples back and forth, they offered me the chance to contribute work to the Archie comic.

TSS: It’s great to see artists like yourself go from fan to professional! What aspects of working on the official Sonic the Comic have you enjoyed the most?

JH: The best part of my job is working with the writers and bringing the stories to life through artwork.

TSS: We love all of your art that you have showcased on twitter – and like many fans you have a penchant for creating some great original characters. We have to ask – have you managed to sneak any into the comic? You know, to make them canon?

JH: [laughs] I have to admit, yes I did. If you check out the very first issue I worked on (issue number 3), I managed to squeeze a bunch of them in. Go for broke!

TSS: Judging from your portfolio, it looks like you are a huge Mighty the Armadillo fan! What is it about this particular character that appeals to you?

JH: He’s been my favorite character since forever! I’d have to say I really like the personality that was created for him during the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog series that I really fell for.

TSS: You and many of your colleagues started your Sonic the Hedgehog career with the Archie Sonic the Comic series and have made the transition to IDW. Have you seen much of a difference in process during the switch of publishers?

JH: Not really – as you say I am pretty much working with the same group of artists and writhers who I was with Archie, and we are mostly working with the same characters.

TSS: There are countless young and talented artists in the community that would love to follow in your footsteps. What advice would you give other aspiring artists who want to make inroads into the comic book industry or work on the Sonic the Hedgehog comic in the future?

JH: My advice is to keep drawing and practicing, and take any and all opportunities you get to showcase your artwork.

TSS: Thank you very much for your time!

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