Iizuka wants to take on “a new challenge” for Sonic’s 30th anniversary, might consider bringing Sonic to eSports

In a recent interview with Japanese gaming website 4Gamer, Takashi Iizuka, the head of Sonic Team, answered some questions regarding Sonic’s future. The following excerpts from that interview were translated by Nintendo Everything.

When asked about Sonic’s upcoming 30th anniversary in 2021, Iizuka said that “planning would need to begin now,” and that he’d “really like for us to take on some sort of new challenge for it though.”

On the subject of Sonic in eSports, Iizuka was ambivalent, saying that because Sonic is primarily an action platformer, going into eSports “might not be feasible.” However, he did express a willingness to take on new genre challenges, bringing up the recently released Team Sonic Racing as an example. He indicated that “there’s always the chance that something suited to eSports might come out of those different projects.” The Sonic franchise is no stranger to spin-offs in other genres, so it would appear that an eSports focused Sonic spin-off is at least a possibility, albeit a remote one.

While this likely has nothing to do with Sonic’s still-far-off 30th anniversary, Iizuka did confirm that a new 3D Sonic title was in development earlier this year at SXSW’s Sonic panel.

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. I mean, shouldn’t you work on making a game that is actually good in the genre it’s made for first before branching out to others? Seems like logic to me.

  2. Sonic the Melee Fighter Z Battle Royale confirmed guys.

    It’s either that, or we’d get that Sonic Adventure Remastered Iizuka was thinking about earlier this year.

  3. Late reply but the real challenges here would be to find a better replacement for Takashi Iizuka, and not only sticking to anniversary titles these days as far as the mainline games goes.

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