Iizuka: 2021 Will Be A Big Year For Sonic, Drop-Dash Will Be A Mainstay

In an interview with Game Informer, Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka made some exciting comments regarding the future of Sonic, particularly regarding the upcoming 30th anniversary, as well as some other details about the series!

When asked about the next major Sonic game, Iizuka-san wouldn’t say anything specific, but he did tease that 2021 would be the next big year for the hedgehog.

“2017 was a big year for Sonic,” Iizuka says. “The next big year for Sonic is 2021. That’s the 30-year anniversary for Sonic. We are now preparing.”

Iizuka-san was then asked about Sonic Mania’s drop-dash, which had been included in the Sega Ages port of Sonic the Hedgehog for Nintendo Switch. He comments that its inclusion was his request, as he plans on the drop-dash being a new mainstay in Sonic’s arsenal, much like the spin-dash or homing attack.

“Drop dash on Sega Ages was my request,” he says. “Drop dash is very [well-liked] now because of Sonic Mania. That’s why I requested it.”

The article then closes with a statement regarding Mighty and Ray, that their high demand from fans was a consideration for their inclusion in Sonic Mania’s DLC.

“Those two characters were famous characters,” he says. “Very fan-requested to me, so that’s why we decided to use those characters.”

This comment reinforces the fact that Sonic Team does listen to feedback and requests, and given the high praise for games like Sonic Mania, we can be certain that they’re taking notes! What do you think is in store for Sonic in the coming years? Do you think we’ll see a major “anniversary game” like Sonic Generations and Sonic Adventure 2, or could it be something else? It’s probably a game, but please do humor us in the comments!

via Game Informer

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  1. Hmm Puyo Puyo Sonic in the style of Puyo feat. Sonic Team’s other characters.
    Might be remakes of Adventure and Adventure 2 – Sonic Team hasnt remade a game before so that would be new to them.

  2. I really hope we get another platforming-based game before then. Nothing against TSR, I’m just clamouring for more Sonic platform goodness, bile it 2D or 3D.

  3. I can think of a few possibilities.
    *A sequel to Sonic Mania, made by Christian Whitehead and the guys at Evening Star Studio.
    *Sonic Generations 2, plus a remake/port of the first one.
    *Remasters of Sonic Adventures 1 and 2 and/or a new game in the style of those ones.
    *Another Classic and Modern Sonic team-up game with a new gameplay mechanic.

  4. “This comment reinforces the fact that Sonic Team does listen to feedback and requests.”
    For the most part I find that doubtful.

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