2nd Sonic Movie Poster Displays Sonic’s Hairy Legs

Less than 24 hours after the first teaser poster for the upcoming Sonic movie was released, a second posted was spotted at a movie theatre showing Sonic sat on top of the Golden Gate Bridge displaying his hairy legs and the graffiti ‘Sonic Wuz Here.’

Well, a second photo has emerged of this poster at another theatre putting to rest claims that it was in fact a hoax, it is very real, so behold Sonic’s hairy legs!

The Sonic movie releases in Winter 2019.

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  1. I want to know where his legs connect to his body…

    Also, gotta love that super dated “Sonic wuz here” scribble. How embarrassing for everyone…

  2. I just saw another poster on facebook showing his entire body. He looks smaller than he usually is but has a face looking like his regular face, just fuzzier. Kinda reminds me of the live action Woody Woodpecker movie. I saw it on facebook, I don’t know how to upload it to the admins though.

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