Amazing Big the Cat Cosplay Debuts at Katsucon

Over the years we have seen some absolutely amazing Sonic the Hedgehog cosplayers (including hundreds of original costumes at Summer of Sonic), but as far as size goes, this is definitely the biggest, in both name and nature!

Black Meadow Studios have been working tirelessly over the past weeks to produce a gargantuan Big the Cat costume, accurate to his appearance in Sonic Adventure in both scale and design. The studio facebook page shows the incredible lengths the costume makers have gone to in order to create the outfit, from design, to cutting materials, to 3D printing Big’s fishing rod (in the video below).

We caught up with Zach from Black Meadow Studios to talk about the inception of the costume:

The Sonic Stadium: What inspired you to work on a Big the Cat cosplay of this size?

Black Meadow Studios: A friend of mine made a post asking friends to be a part of a sonic cosplay group. Jokingly I said I could do big the cat, and everyone on that post got super excited based on my previous experience with big furry cosplays (such as my Snorlax cosplay). So I said why not. I didn’t have anything planned yet for my next cosplay, so i went for it! 

TSS: From start to finish, how long have you been working on the costume?

BMS: I’ve lost track of actual hours I have spent, but I have been working on it for a few months. Near the end of the project I binged a few TV shows and movies while working on it, so i can tell you that it took (at least) the entirety of Game of thrones, all the Harry Potter movies, and every episode of Curb your enthusiasm!

TSS: That is a serious amount of time investment! So now that you’ve made your debut at Katsucon, what was it like wearing the suit? Can you even walk in it?

BMS: Walking was near impossible! To be honest, I didn’t walk very far from where I suited up.

TSS: We aren’t surprised! What reaction did you get from him?

BMS: Mostly good reactions – I think most people were surprise at the scale of it!

TSS: Can we expect to see Big out at any other conventions in the future?

BMS: Unfortunately I don’t know if/when I’ll bring Big out again, I really just want to move on to the next thing. Sorry to those who didn’t get to see it in person!

If you want to check out other costumes Black Meadow Studios have put together, and see more videos from the making of the costume, check out the studio facebook page!

Many thanks to Zach from BMS for taking the time to talk to us.

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


    1. Lots of people like Big. I like Big. People who vocally hate him are a very obnoxious minority of people who are putting WAY too much effort into smack-talking a purple cartoon cat.

  1. You know, for a character that the gaming world mocks, part of the fanbase don’t think much of, SEGA themselves nearly abandoned for a decade and IGN thinks we all want to have sex with, Big does seem to have a lot of adoring, talented fans who go to great lengths to make stuff in his…uh, “honor”.

    Books and covers and so on, I suppose.

  2. Despite all the backlash Big has gotten over the years, it’s awesome to see so much care and dedication put into this full-bodied costume.

    Maybe SEGA should use alongside their full-bodied Sonic costumes for promotion purposes (even though Big wouldn’t be relevant to modern games).

    The sad thing is Big was out of place the game he debuted in, and compared to the inflated reputation Sonic has as a character, Big is held to unfair expectations. The voice direction his original VA was given, combined with his flanderization and other voice actors in later games didn’t help matters either.

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